How To Raise Your Vibration & Attract What You Want

A photo of a pond in Bragg Creek, Alberta, Canada that is perfectly still and reflecting back the trees and mountain in the background. You can raise your vibration by matching the frequency of what you desire, and it will be reflected back to you.
Beaver Flats, Bragg Creek, Alberta, Canada
Copyright © 2021 Lee Spirit

This week, I’ve still been contemplating the whole “manifestation” and how to “raise your vibration” concept that I spoke about in my last post. While there are 3 easy steps to manifesting your desires, it’s not easy to want something so badly, focus all your energy on it, and then not get it. Why is the “Law of Attraction” not working out for you?

The problem, as mentioned in my previous article, is that you may feel such a capital-L LACK of what you want that you’re focusing more on not having it than on the high vibe feeling of having what you want or need. So how can you raise your vibration to a more a positive, open, and receptive state so that you receive a mirror-image reflection of the vibe you’re putting out there?

Click here for Creating a Mindset For Positive Change!

Raise Your Vibration Through Mindfulness in Nature

My favourite way to recharge my batteries, and raise my energy frequency is to spend time in nature! The photo in this post has beautiful, reflective pools of water sheltered from the wind. The birds, beavers, and deer make this their home. What does this have to do with attracting what you want?

Well, what I love about the photo is the reflection of the mountain and trees in the pond. It’s a good reminder that the vibration you put out there is what is reflected back to you. So if you are feeling like you’re lacking something – love, money, or connection, for example – then that lack will be reflected right back to you. In fact, you’ll most likely attract even more lack, and it will make you feel even more miserable! Then, there’s a negative, downward spiral of constricted, contracted energy within you! This is not the energy of manifestation!

Nature will help you recharge and raise the vibe! It helps you stay in the present moment because you notice the subtle, ordinary things like the reflection in the pond, the wildlife you see, the breeze blowing through the trees, the mountain standing strong, the flowers growing out of the rocks, the ripples on the lake, or the sunlight warming your skin. You breathe longer and deeper while in nature, increasing the flow of oxygenated blood to your brain, and raising your vibration.

Raise Your Thoughts Higher & Higher

The key thing to be conscious and aware of is that your energies and thoughts are frequently in a negative, lower vibration. For instance, you may be in a swirl of self-loathing, guilt, or shame. It happens to the best of us! You need to vibrate higher and higher! But how? I’ve tried to practice this myself this week – caught up in a few of my own negative thoughts – and here’s what I came up with to raise your thoughts higher and higher…

The Body Scan

Focus on what your thoughts, feelings, and emotions really are. You can start by tuning into your body, and asking yourself, “Where is there discomfort or pain?” “What is that pain telling me?” It tells you that there’s an energy blockage in that area that needs to be stretched out and released. You want to clear away these blockages to reduce pain and suffering! Who doesn’t want to feel good, happy, joyful, and living with ease and flow?

The Mind Scan

So really pay attention to your thoughts…You may be having some self-limiting beliefs. I’ve been noticing my own this past week, and how often my thoughts slip into a negative pattern of thinking. So this week, while out on my daily walks, I’ve found a little trick to help with this…

Whenever I have a negative thought, I pay attention, notice it, and immediately – without shoving it down and away – I just look up a bit, take a deep breath, and say in my mind, “Higher…Higher…” I then immediately switch that thought to something more positive, like flipping a switch. For example, it’s not, “If I succeed” it’s “When I succeed”. It’s not “I’m an idiot for saying that”, it’s “I spoke my authentic truth, which is awesome!” Words are powerful, so listen carefully to your self-talk, and change your words to match a higher vibration. This has been working for me to quickly raise my vibration!

Beware of Vibrational Dissonance

What do I mean by “vibrational dissonance”? It’s a term coined by Dr. Barbara de Angelis, one of my favourite spiritual authors. Beware that even if you try to be more positive and high vibe, you may not actually feel positive underneath the surface. You won’t be able to attract what you want in that case because there’s a vibrational dissonance, or two conflicting, opposing energies there.

So what do you do about it? How can you get your vibrations aligned with manifestation? Just keep paying attention closely to your self-talk. Are you beating yourself up in your mind? Instead of saying, “I don’t have enough connection in my life”, say to yourself, “I’m attracting my tribe right now with my high vibes.”

The more you get into the habit of noticing your low vibe thoughts, the more you practice shifting your thoughts and energy. The more positive vibes you practice, the more it will become effortless. Then the manifestation energies will start to work their magic!

Click Here For Your Free Manifestation Breakthrough Kit

Raise Your Vibration By Trying New Things

I’ve been trying a few new things lately, and I find this raises my vibration because of the excitement of trying and learning something new. It’s almost like the boost of energy you get from a cup of coffee, or the feeling of exhilaration you get when visiting a new place. Learning something new sparks your creativity, and really gets the high vibe juices flowing if it’s something you are excited about.

Spring Forest QiGong

Last week I had my first introduction to Spring Forest QiGong – A combination of movement, energy, sound, and mind to balance and heal the energy centres in the body. If you think Reiki and energy practices are a little “woo-woo”, then try this, and you will feel the energy moving between your hands! The power of the mind to move and change energy will be revealed! You’ll see how you can heal your own body, mind, and spirit through this work.


This week I’ve been taking a course on Aurveyda – A method of attaining perfect health, developed in India thousands of years ago. This has also been an energy class, based on the idea that health and wellness depends on balancing the mind, body, and spirit energies. This will help all systems of the body run more smoothly. By balancing your energies through herbs, diet, and lifestyle, you alleviate the imbalances that create disturbances in your life.

Kundalini Yoga and the Chakras

The reason I keep talking about kundalini yoga is because it has been my main practice 1-2 times per week for the past year. It, too, is a way of moving stuck, stagnant energy in the body and mind through breath, movement, and mantras.

Learning about the chakras is very similar. Chakras are energy points in the body, like spinning wheels of energy that we need to keep open and aligned. They relate to our nerves and organs, and affect our emotional and physical well-being. We want to eliminate, or at least reduce, the stuck energies we all have.

Are you starting to see a connection between all of these ancient practices that have been used for thousands of years? You just have to choose a practice that really floats your boat and gets you excited! It can be a regular exercise routine, or one of these energy practices I’ve mentioned, which I highly recommend!

We Are All Energy

We are all energy, and we must balance and harmonize our energy flows so that we can attract what we want and manifest our dreams. Whatever method or methods that you choose, remember that you are creating wellness, good health, life force, joy, and vitality – The vibrations that support manifestation.

Remember to pay close attention to your negative, lower vibrational, self-defeating thoughts, look up and think “Higher…Higher”, and change your thought to something more positive. Really watch your language and the words you use with yourself and others, and raise your vibration today!

Lee Spirit is an avid outdoors adventurer with a love for nature, photography, health & fitness, wellness, and spirituality. Her own personal journey has led her to the  study and practice of mindfulness, health, wellness, yoga, spirituality, sound healing, meditation, and personal development for over 20 years. Be sure to Click Here To Receive Lee’s Free ‘Natural Mind Healing’ Report & Free Mindful Newsletter To Help Raise Your Vibration!