Divine Love: Moving Beyond Chocolate and Roses

A photo of pink cotton-candy clouds, and blue sky on a sunrise morning over the mountains in Canmore, Alberta, Canada. Looks like divine love, and here's how we can experience more of it.
Cotton Candy Morning Sunrise in Canmore, Alberta, Canada
Copyright © 2022 Lee Spirit

Ahhh it is February, and yet the weather has been so lovely that it feels like Spring, even in the mountains! This photo was a lovely sunrise morning in Canmore, Alberta, Canada. Sunrises and sunsets are so romantic and have a spiritual power to them that automatically raise your energetic vibrations! These vibes are the vibes of the Universe – The vibes of Love! We all want to be in resonance with this vibration of love, but it’s more than chocolates and roses on Valentine’s day! Divine love is what we can aspire to, and it doesn’t have to be religious.

What Is Divine Love?

Divine love is selfless, unconditional, and everlasting…

Don’t get me wrong! Chocolates, roses, gifts, and heart emojis are wonderful! They can have real meaning, and can touch the human heart quite deeply, as they have mine! These are most definitely sweet shows of affection!

But on our endless quest for love, we mistakenly seek outside of ourselves that which is already within us. In other words, we look for someone else to “complete” us, to make our troubles go away, or to make us feel loved. If we receive chocolates, roses, and gifts, we equate that to feeling loved.

The problem with that thinking is that every time something outside of us satisfies our need for love, it is surely only temporary, as all things in life are. Divine love is infinite in nature, spiritual, and without conditions or expectations. Human love if often selfish, and comes with the expectation that if I give you this, you’ll give me that in return.

Divine love is an infinite spark, selflessly giving to others, and uplifting those who are touched by it. It is endless, and vast as the open sky. Religious or not, it is “Godly” in that it is selflessly given to all beings. It’s like a Saint showering love upon his disciples. This love doesn’t come from outside of oneself, but lies deep within our own hearts, waiting there for us to realize it so we can shine our light in the world.

Coming Out of the Illusions of the Mind

One of the reasons many of us can’t seem to experience the beauty of divine love is that we are all caught up in our minds, thoughts, and daily activities. When we are focused on daily doings rather than daily being, we lose touch with that inner light that burns within us. We also have so many thoughts and swirling through our minds. This makes us analyze things in the mind such that we lose touch with what is real – the infinite love in our hearts and souls.

To get out of our minds is freedom for the soul…We can do this with a regular yoga and meditation practice that is consistent over time. This frees up space, not only in our minds, but in our entire being throughout the chakra centres.

Try one of my free guided meditations on Unconditional Love: Visualization To Receive Love & Care.

The problem with staying in the mind with our thoughts is that what goes on inside our heads is a big illusion, and distortion of reality. Remember that you are love – Divine love! You receive this love from the Universe, which is always vibrating to the tune of divine love.

Characteristics of Divine Love

If you can’t quite grasp the meaning of “divine love”, it might help to present some of its characteristics so you can recognize it when you feel it.

I’ve already mentioned a few of these characteristics: Selfless, unconditional, and everlasting…Here are a few more:

  • Kind – Divine love is kindness. Extending care and kindness without expectation of receiving anything in return. We all know how far a simple act of kindness can go, and it is always remembered.
  • Uplifting – Divine love builds others up, making others feel like a million bucks. It’s not making yourself look good, or doing things to make yourself feel good. The focus is on others.
  • Puts others interests ahead of one’s own interests. Always looking out for the other before yourself.
  • Forgiving – Divine love always forgives rather than holding grudges.
  • Has good wishes, and hopes for the best for others.
  • Patient and understanding – Having compassion for others, and being patient with others’ faults and mistakes.
  • Truthful – Divine love basks in the glory of truth and integrity. Sat Nam, or “Truth is my name”.
  • Intensity of feeling – Having an intense feeling about something or someone and there is never enough saying good things about it.
  • Worshiping and giving service – Worshiping something or someone to the point you feel you want to be of service to others to express your love.
  • Friend, partner, and child – In divine love you will treat others as you would a good friend, a loving partner, and as you would treat a child. You are not “completing” each other, but sharing your own experience of divine love with another’s divine love. You soothe the inner child, and long for connection with the divine source of love.

For more ways to feel divine love, read Unconditional Love: Softening the Armour of the Heart.

Come Back, Come Back To Your Heart

Remember that while Valentine’s day can be a special day to celebrate your love for another, there is a greater love within you. This love is deep, unending, unconditional, and without expectations. It doesn’t require spending money, taking, or hurting anyone. It doesn’t judge or criticize. Find ways to practice clearing your vessel – your mind-body-spirit – so that you can experience this divinity of love. Much love to all! Deep down, that’s who we are!

Lee Spirit is an avid outdoors adventurer with a love for nature, photography, health & fitness, wellness, and spirituality. She helps those who suffer from anxiety & negative thinking to become healthier in mind-body-spirit. Her own personal journey has led her to the  study and practice of mindfulness, health, wellness, yoga, spirituality, sound healing, meditation, and personal development for over 20 years. Get mindfulness, meditation, and personal development tips in her Free Natural Mind Healing Report.

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