Copyright © 2021 Lee Spirit
Lately, I’ve been leaning more inwards into my heart and mind as the seasons change. The instability of the weather patterns, and everything else going on in the world can really throw us off balance. I didn’t expect a rainy day here in Moab, which threw me off a little, but the famous Balance Rock was a great reminder to stay balanced! The “in-between” season that is often blustery is a great time to slow down, let go, and reflect. So I invite you to take this time with me during the instability of the season change to work on finding balance in life.
Observation: Being the Witness
Through meditation, we can observe the state of our own minds, as well as others. We can also observe our actions and reactions, of which there are many in these strange times we are living in. Observation is a great tool we can use to access our truth and inner wisdom. It allows us to find stillness, and a place where we can feel, heal, balance, and change. Become the witness of your own thoughts. Take a back seat and be the witness of others around you. Learn from your observations.
Finding Balance in Life By Getting Unstuck From Polarities
What have I been noticing lately during my observations? That many of us are living in polarities, which is so easy to do. This means we are living in the extremes. Ask yourself this: Are you all in, or all out? All on, or all off? Giving, but not willing to receive? Receiving, but not willing to give? All light, or all dark? Feeling up, or all down? Holding only one perspective, or only the opposite perspective? Yes, it’s much easier to live in the polarities and get stuck there based on what you feel or believe. But finding the middle ground, or the neutral space on the teeter-totter is where finding balance in life becomes possible.
Why Staying Out of the Polarities & Balance Are So Important
Many of us have a strong point of view on vaccinations, just to use an example of extremes. We may only see things our way, and completely disregard the perspective of those against vaccinations. While it’s great to firmly believe in one thing, and stick to your guns on your issues, it’s more compassionate, empathetic, and harmony-inducing when we can consider another’s viewpoint. Here’s what happens when we get stuck in a polarity:
Watch Your Anger
Being stuck in one of these polarities can create discord, anger, resentment, bitterness, and so on. This is not where we want to stay! Anger is really unexpressed, unintegrated emotion, such as grief, pain, or fear. It can lead to physical pain and illness if we don’t keep it in balance. We keep it in balance by allowing these emotions to pass through us. The way out is through.
Finding Balance in Life By Taking Breaks
Another extreme I’ve noticed lately is people taking breaks from technology, social media, and news. This is a great thing to do for self-care, and can be a great way to find balance if you’re doing those things too much.
Just remember that when you start turning your friends and family away who love you and care about you because you’re taking a break, are too busy with work, are in a new relationship, and so on, it may be a sign that you are unbalanced. Again, we want to find balance in the middle ground so that we aren’t addicted to news and social media, and at the same time, we are taking care of ourselves, and the people we care about, who care about us too!
Finding Balance in Life Through Grounding & Growing
We can balance the extremes and get unstuck from polarities by firmly rooting and grounding into the earth like the roots of a tree. When we set foot on a trail in nature, we are absorbing the beautiful, grounding energy of the stable earth. Doing this allows us to find our own stability and balance within.
Having stable roots will allow us to grow and blossom into a vibrant tree. Without getting stuck in the roots, and without staying in the windy, unstable treetops of our minds, we find our balance in the heart centre. In doing so, we receive the wisdom of our intuition, and speak and act from a place of balanced light and truth. Immersing ourselves in, and learning from nature will help us do this.
Balancing Through Boundaries
Finding balance in life is easier when you set healthy boundaries for yourself and others, and also respect other people’s boundaries. When we don’t set boundaries for what we want, it may result in something like saying “Yes” all the time, when really deep down we mean “No”. The danger in being stuck in this polarity is that we become quite off-kilter and out of integrity with ourselves. We are always pleasing another, and disrespecting ourselves. At some point in this relationship, something is surely to explode if our needs are not clearly expressed.
To come into more balance through boundaries, know what your boundaries are, and how to clearly express them to prevent misunderstandings and frustration. Speaking your truth is so important if you want others to respect your needs and vice versa. Teach someone how you wish to be treated.
Click Here To Learn How To Set Healthy Boundaries
Finding Balance in Life With a Little Planning
Not everyone likes to make a plan, but it can be helpful when searching for balance when you’re feeling like you’re on shaky ground. Plan your time with an online or written schedule so that you don’t become overwhelmed by too many things to do. Check things off as you complete them. Also, creating a routine that allows more productivity, ease, and flow in your days will help you keep things in balance.
Accepting That Polarities Do Exist
As well as not getting stuck in polarities and extremes, we want to simply acknowledge that there are polarities. For example, with the good comes some bad sometimes. Not everything is always positive. Why it matters to accept the light with the dark is because if we don’t, we may find ourselves reacting in certain situations rather than responding. We may get emotional about something if we’re only expecting good things. If we can appreciate both sides of things, we find balance and harmony in mind, body, and spirit, and we can respond accordingly.
Finding Balance in Life With Present Moment Awareness
There’s so much these days about present moment awareness. What does that mean exactly? It means we are in touch with right now. Not what happened yesterday, or last year, or 10 years ago. Not what might happen in the future. Simply being in touch with what is true in this moment. Not the fantasy of it, but what is real, right now.
We can get into this space of present moment awareness by being in touch with our senses, and noticing what we see, hear, taste, touch, smell, and sense. Again, we can do this through a practice of awareness of breath and meditation.
Click Here To Meditate With Me on Being Mindful and Present With Your Emotions
Once we are in touch with our senses, we get more in touch with our emotions through our felt senses in the body. This is present moment awareness. We then feel through our emotions in the calm, balanced space within. The more present we are, the more balanced we are in mind, body, and spirit.
Finding Balance in Life Through Happiness
Balance in life is sure to bring us true happiness from within. When we live with all our energy systems in balance, we live with more ease and flow. Living with ease and flow automatically brings joy through the light of our soul being expressed. We are more abundant in all areas of our life from health to wealth to relationships. We all want joy, happiness, abundance, and peace in our lives.
These are just a few things you can do to find balance in your life, and get unstuck from living in polarities and extremes. It’s important to find that balancing point and be like the Balance Rock in Moab! Don’t delay this process. Get started now with finding balance in your life so you can be happier and healthier!
Lee Spirit is an avid outdoors adventurer with a love for nature, photography, health & fitness, wellness, and spirituality. She helps those who suffer from anxiety & negative thinking to become healthier in mind-body-spirit. Her own personal journey has led her to the study and practice of mindfulness, health, wellness, yoga, spirituality, sound healing, meditation, and personal development for over 20 years. Get mindfulness, meditation, and personal development tips in her Free Natural Mind Healing Report.