How Solitude Creates Four Better Connections

A photo of a sunny day cross-country skiing in Kananaskis, AB, Canada with the snow glistening, sun shining, and a long open road of solitude. In solitude we connect better with the earth, the ether, ourselves, and others.
Cross-country Skiing in Kananaskis, AB, Canada
Copyright © 2021 Lee Spirit 

I went on this beautiful solo ski last weekend to what I call “the deserted winter highway” in Kananaskis. It’s my favourite sunny day ski to do when I want to be away from the crowds. It’s a place I can be in perfect solitude and stillness, and take in all the wonders of beautiful nature. Solitude is something I crave, but a lot of people don’t handle it very well. With lockdowns and restrictions in place, you may feel isolated, alone, depressed, and angry. It’s natural to feel this way, but good if you can learn the benefits of solitude.

Solitude doesn’t come naturally to many folks. Even the most introverted of us, like me, are feeling the sting of isolation at times. I’ve spent quite a lot of my life in solitude, and have grown to love and crave it though. It is in my solitude that I have found many answers, clarity, and so much peace. That’s why I believe solitary stillness actually enhances your many connections in life, with yourself, the earth, the ether, and with others.

Solitude and Connection With Yourself

When you spend time alone, you really get to know yourself well. I have watched other people in my life zipping around always doing things. They never take a breather to settle down, be still, and silent. Many people can’t be still. I witness their lives passing by without them ever really knowing who they are at the core of their being. They never get in touch with their soul, and are often lost in the productivity of life. They seem to have less ability to cope when turbulent times arise.

In solitude, you can ask yourself the important questions like, “Who am I?” Often in the silent stillness, you can draw on your intuition for the answers that come to you while you’re in a meditative flow. That can be in the form of a silent meditation, a present moment awareness while you do house chores, or a nature walk where the answers show up in the breeze.

In solitude, you may discover that your busy monkey-mind calms down, you feel less stressed, and you have more mental clarity. This allows you to be more creative and productive. You have more energy to focus on what you love to do. Doing what you are passionate about is a key to happiness, so when you learn about yourself in your alone-time, you find out what ignites that spark and inspiration in your heart.

Solitude and Your Connection With Earth

When you spend time out in nature amongst the trees, on the snow, or swimming in the ocean, you really start to feel a connection with Mother Earth, or “Pachamama”.

Yes, this can be felt when you’re with others too! But I find that to truly experience the present moment in nature, you have to be One with the radiant sunshine, the towering trees, and the dirt on your feet in the garden. When you are alone in nature, the forest is a thousand times more alive. It provides you with an endless source of pure energy that you absorb and take with you.

The earth grounds and supports us. So when you find a firm foundation on the ground and a present-moment awareness of all the beauty surrounding you, you have a better connection with yourself, and nature.

Solitary Stillness and Connection With Ether

When referring to the “ether” element, I mean the spirit world that we cannot see, but we know is there. On a human level, we relate to earth, air, water, fire, and spirit, or “ether”. It is the vast, bountiful energy field around us. It is all the spirits, angels, guides, guardians, and ancestors that are always there with us. Even in our solitude, we are never really alone!

In this peaceful stillness, we form a better connection with our own energetic field, and the spirit realm. We can grow and expand our auras, and the vast light that shines 360 degrees around us. It is in prayer that we can silently ask for our angels to support and protect us.

This can also be done in the presence of others, and often more powerfully, such as in global meditations. But in solitude we really connect with our loved ones – past and present – and with our spirit guides, who we can ask for assistance. The answers come in the synchronicities, dreams, or symbols we then experience.

Solitude Improves Connection With Others

We have now discovered ourselves, learned who we really are, and what lights us up. We are grounded on the earth, with present-moment awareness of the beauty in nature. We’ve balanced the infinite wisdom of the universe, and the divine teacher within. Our light and energy field is expanded around us, and our angels are here to guide, support, and protect us.

Now, from this full and expansive place, we can extend ourselves to others and create better connections with those around us. When we are expansive and balanced, we have more love, compassion, kindness, and empathy to sprinkle around. If we recharge our batteries from the solitary stillness we’ve granted ourselves, we have more patience and tolerance for others. Solitude allows us to take care of ourselves so that we can better care for others.

Learn more about Self-Care For Your Wellbeing here!

The Four Better Connections

  1. Better Connection With Yourself – Now that we’ve taken time alone for ourselves, we are calm, clear, and focused. We know ourselves better and are better equipped to handle life’s challenges.
  2. Better Connection With Nature – We can also bring more expansiveness into nature by enjoying our connections with others on our Mother Earth. It’s a time we can share the grounding, present-moment awareness from the earth with the beautiful connections we have with friends and loved ones.
  3. Better Connection With Spirit – Maybe we prefer to meditate together through a yoga practice in community with others, on a group hike, or in a global healing meditation. We can pray together, expand our auras, and call upon the spirits in the ether.
  4. Better Connection With Others – And we can come together as One with a shared understanding of unity and peace, helping, and supporting others wherever we can. We have enough love, kindness, and compassion to share with those around us.

It may not be easy to enjoy these isolated times when you feel the need to connect for your mental health. But it’s important to take time alone to be with, and discover your own soul. With practice, you will start to value this time and space to yourself. It will allow you to show up as your best self in your relationships with others.

Lee Spirit is an avid outdoors adventurer with a love for nature, photography, health & fitness, wellness, and spirituality. Her own personal journey has led her to the  study and practice of mindfulness, health, wellness, yoga, spirituality, sound healing, meditation, and personal development for over 20 years. Rise Above Life’s Challenges here!

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