How To Manifest & Create What Your Heart Desires

A photo of snow melting along a river of water at Cascade in Banff, Alberta, Canada. We learn how to manifest by observing nature. Like the rushing water, we are filled with a rush of new energy in Spring that allows us to create and manifest.
Cascade, Banff, Alberta, Canada
Copyright © 2021 Lee Spirit

Outdoor recreation, as you probably know by now, is my main source of fun! With Spring now in the air, and the new moon is in Aries, it’s our chance to re-create ourselves and our desires for the coming year! It’s a time of snow melting, ice thawing, and wildlife reappearing. That’s what I experienced in Banff last weekend, in the photo above! Like the rushing water, we are flushed with fresh new energy in Spring! By observing and being in nature like this, we can learn how to manifest our desires. That’s because all of us – along with nature and its many wonders – are connected energetically and spiritually. So it is through energy, that we learn how to manifest.

What Does It Mean To Manifest?

One meaning of manifestation – the more spiritual meaning that I refer to – is an appearance of that which we desire – an object, relationship, connection, an action, and so on. We bring about these desires through our thoughts, feelings, emotions, and energy. For example, you think fondly of a loved one, and suddenly they call you or send a message.

Manifesting our desires can sometimes backfire on us though. By this, I mean that we think of something we wish for, such as more money, and we just get deeper and deeper into debt. But weren’t you just thinking about your desire, so it should manifest into your reality? The Law of Attraction states that whatever we focus on, we attract into our lives. So why would we go deeper into debt when we’ve been focusing on more money? What a load of BS you say! The answer is that you are focusing more on your lack of money, so the Universe answers by giving you more lack.

Barriers To Learning How To Manifest

The problem, as mentioned above, is that we are only human, and we have many emotions. The problem is not having emotions. It’s that some of these emotions are not helpful to our well-being, or to the process of creating our desires. Feelings of love, lightness, elation, and joy are emotions that can uplift our spirits into that energetic consciousness that allows manifestation to occur. On the other hand, feelings of depression, anger, frustration, jealousy, shame – They are all very real, but are lower on the level of energetic vibration. The lower the frequency of vibration in our energy fields, the harder it is to learn how to manifest. That’s because these emotions are like a barrier or blockage to the high vibrational frequency that manifestation requires.

To read more on vibrational frequency, check this out: The Vibrations We Emit Are Like Waves in the Sand

How To Manifest With Your Creativity

I’ve been practicing kundalini yoga for a while, and must say the teachings have given me so much higher vibe energy and inspiration. This section on creativity is based on some of those teachings.

Learning how to manifest is like utilizing your creativity. When you have the aforementioned lower vibrational emotions such as stress or anxiety, you still have the ability to create. But you will subconsciously attract more stress and anxiety if that is the main focal point of your creative endeavour. To manifest in line with the truth of your soul and your true desires, you will have to raise your vibration to a higher frequency. This higher vibe will match the energy of conscious creativity. Focusing on your lack of love, money, or something else will only create friction in the energetic field.

That is not to say that you should ignore your feelings, or push them aside, for that will only have them coming back at you with greater force. Instead, allow yourself to feel what you feel. Try to figure out what is at the root of those feelings that are blocking your creative juices from flowing like the river. If we identify our habitual thinking patterns, we can shift them in a healthier direction. With more healthy flow, you will be able to manifest with greater ease.

If you’re interested in learning how to raise your vibration wth kundalini yoga, I highly recommend you try Life Force Academy.

Creating More Ease and Flow

Raising your vibration means creating more ease and flow in your energy centres. I tried a new thing this past week called Spring Forest QiGong – an ancient Chinese form of energy healing that involves mindfulness of breath, visualization, movement, and sound to balance and realign the energy centres of the body. What a great way to re-create and heal ourselves!

Anything like this that moves the stagnant energy, like the kundalini yoga I’ve been practising, will help raise your vibration. Doing some artwork, singing, or dance can also have the same effect. Spending time with friends, family, and community (when it’s safe!), and sharing a good laugh are also great ways to raise the vibe so we can learn how to manifest.

What Does Your Heart Desire?

You have the opportunity now to create your own reality, and manifest what your heart desires. First of all, what is it that you desire? It helps to define this, state it, or maybe write it down in a dream journal. You could start by creating a vision board. When you do this, you find out who you really are, what you’re here to do, and the truth of your soul. Once you know this, you will vibrate at that higher frequency of soul truth, and will attract more happiness, joy, peace, clarity, and so on. You will start to match the vibration of what you want to attract into your life. That’s when the magic starts to happen!

It’s beneficial to you if you can keep your focus on what you do want, as opposed to focusing on the idea that you are not yet where you want to be. You must be perfectly happy with where you are, no matter what is going on in your life, circumstances, or the world around you. This is the key to manifesting your true desires. Any time the lower vibrational frequencies enter in and occupy your mind, your feeling of not getting what you want will block your ability to receive it. You only receive messages energetically that you are ready to hear. So if you tell the Universe you want more love or money, but you’re jealous that someone else has more, you are giving off mixed signals, and it won’t be manifested.

How To Manifest: 3-Step Process

I’ve been re-reading a fantastic book, and must say that it feels fantastic to actually sit and read a good spiritual book! It’s another activity that uplifts my spirit to that higher vibrational frequency. I highly recommend it! So in this section, I’m sharing a piece from Esther and Jerry Hicks’ beautiful book, “Ask and It Is Given: Learning to Manifest Your Desires”. They, through the Collective Consciousness of “Abraham”, outline a few simple steps:

  • Ask – Simply ask for what your heart desires. If there is no asking, the Universe cannot answer your prayers. It may be spoken, written, or emitted as a vibration you frequently give off.
  • The answer is Given – You don’t even have to lift a finger for this step! Every time you ask, an answer is given. If you feel your prayers have gone unanswered, it’s simply not true. You just haven’t followed the final step, below.
  • Receive, allow, and let in the answer that has been given – In this step, you match the vibrational frequency of your desire. This is like tuning into what you do want, rather than focusing on what you don’t yet have and the associated feelings of frustration.

That’s it! Manifestation made easy! I truly hope you have found this post beneficial to you, and you’ll be on your way to creating, or re-creating what your heart desires!

Lee Spirit is an avid outdoors adventurer with a love for nature, photography, health & fitness, wellness, and spirituality. Her own personal journey has led her to the  study and practice of mindfulness, health, wellness, yoga, spirituality, sound healing, meditation, and personal development for over 20 years. Learn more about The Magic of Manifestation here!

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