Copyright © 2020 Lee Spirit
I don’t know about you, but lately with all that’s happening in the world, I find myself reacting more than usual. With so many different opinions swirling around, people feel controlled, fearful, and angry. It’s hard to find inner peace when we don’t agree on issues that really matter to us. This is happening across borders, within cities, and in our own families.
I’m a quiet soul, but lately I’ve felt a disturbance within me around some of the issues. I’ve been speaking up and out a bit more and noticing my own rattled state. I hear you saying, “But you’re the Mindful Nature Nut! You must have inner peace!” [giggle] While this is true, the first thing we must acknowledge is that we are all human. We all get angry, upset, and have emotions. We all lose our cool once in a while, and that’s okay, as long as we can step back and notice what we feel.
Inner Peace and Awareness
Noticing how we feel is so important to helping us achieve inner peace. When we meditate, we are taught to observe the feelings in our bodies and be curious about what we feel physically. Why do I have that pain in my neck, or that sick feeling in my stomach? By becoming aware of these sensations, we can realize the thoughts and emotions behind them that may be causing discomfort. Awareness is key!
Inner Peace and Our Breath
Once we are aware of our feelings, emotions, and reactions – both physically and in the mind, we can start to calm them down through our breath. The goal is not to empty our minds of these thoughts and feelings, but just to notice them. The more we notice them, the easier it is to let them go.
Other than being consciously aware of our thoughts, feelings, and emotions, and calming the body and mind through breath, there are some other ways to bring about inner peace. It starts within ourselves, and then we can respond instead of reacting in our interactions with others.
Inner Peace and Empathy
In troubled times like these we need to remember our humanity and try to feel compassion for others. Let’s be honest, we are all struggling here, and very few people are going to get out of this unscathed. So we may as well take a step back from our arguments and feel compassion for what the other is going through. It could be a small battle, or it could be an enormous battle. Either way, if we can be a light for others it may soften the arguments and bring about inner peace.
Inner Peace and Gratitude
I also want to go back to gratitude, and how huge this is for establishing inner peace. When times and relationships are troubled, let us remember what we are grateful for and what is important. We all want love and connection, not separation. So perhaps we can lean more into gratitude for that person being in our lives, regardless of their stance on an issue. This might help keep relationships flowing more smoothly.
Notice the photo of a winter scene in Kananaskis where I went snowshoeing. The snow covering the earth like a warm blanket always brings about a feeling of inner peace for me. Everything quiets down, and there is stillness in the land. Here are a few more ideas to help you reach Inner Stillness.
Lee Spirit is an avid outdoors adventurer with a love for nature, photography, health & fitness, wellness, and spirituality. Her own personal journey has led her to the study and practice of mindfulness, health, wellness, yoga, spirituality, sound healing, meditation, and personal development for over 20 years. Sign-up here to Beat Your Stress!