Copyright © 2021 Lee Spirit
The colder winter weather often makes me think of beaches, like here in Tofino, Vancouver Island, BC, Canada. It is such a romantic place to visit! Soft-sand beaches at sunset always fill me with intimate feelings, romance, and passion, even when there is no partner! Have you read the book, “The Honeymoon Effect” by Bruce H. Lipton? He describes this euphoric feeling as “a state of bliss, energy, and health resulting from a huge love. Your life is so beautiful that you can’t wait to get up to start a new day and thank the Universe that you are alive”…
Intimate Feelings, Even If You’re Single
Whether you have a partner or not, we all have the desire for intimate feelings, love, and connection. At the beginning of our relationships, there is often a feeling of intense attraction, sexual feelings, and euphoria.
Likewise, without a partner, we may fantasize to create this intensity of feelings. We can also grow the light of our own souls, and feel deeply connected with nature, animals, or spirit instead. In this state, we feel a deep love for all beings. The “huge love” that Bruce Lipton describes doesn’t have to be with another person. If you reach enlightenment and bliss from the spirit within you, and share that with others, you are still “in love” – with life, with spirit, and with all beings!
Connecting With Your Intimate Feelings
If you have a loving relationship with a partner, husband, or wife, the question may arise, “How do we connect with our own intimate feelings, and maintain them with ourselves, and with our partners?” After some time, we may notice that the bliss-state starts to fizzle out. We’re left wondering where the passion went, and how we can light the spark again. We may still love that person dearly, but we’re not feeling “in love” anymore.
Similarly, this can happen without a partner. Maybe we are trying too hard to find love, to love everyone, or we get stuck in repetitive patterns that dull our shine. Maybe we absorb too much negative energy around us. There are countless reasons why the spark begins to fade.
Read more about How To Shine Your Inner Light here!
Getting In Touch With Intimate Feelings Through Kundalini Yoga
One way we can physically and spiritually reignite this flame is through the practice of Kundalini yoga. I’ve been taking these classes for the past year or so, and really benefitting from them. Basically kundalini is the energy that lies dormant at the base our spines. The practice moves this energy up the spine, through all our chakra energy centres, and out the crown of our heads. Through breath, movement, stretches, mantras, mudras, and kriyas, you get in touch with your feelings – intimate, sexual, emotional, spiritual, and otherwise.
Root and Sacral Chakras
I want to talk here about the Root and Sacral chakras. The Root chakra is at the base of the torso, tailbone. Its focus is on satisfying basic needs, like food, shelter, and safety. The Sacral chakra is located at the sexual organs, sacrum, pelvis, and lower belly. Its focus is on sexual relationships, creativity, procreativity, and emotions. This is a great place to start connecting with your own sexual feelings!
In Kundalini yoga, we do poses that stimulate these areas and move the energy from the Root, upwards to our other chakras. No chakra exists alone – Each one works with the others. For stimulating the Root chakra, you can do standing poses, or sitting cross-legged. For stimulating the Sacral chakra, you can do seated forward bends, and hip openers.
One pose that I particularly recommend for stimulating the sexual energy centres is called “Butterfly Pose”. You sit with back straight, soles of the feet touching. Grab your ankles or shins, and flap your knees gently up and down like butterfly wings for 1-5 minutes. Give it a try, and notice how the juices start flowing!
When we move the energy through our breath from Root to Sacral to Heart to Throat to Third Eye, and to Crown chakras, we are not just focused on physical pleasures. We are having intimate, sexual feelings that are expressed through our heart and throat centres. We are breathing in love, and feeling the truth of our souls.
Here’s a quick Kundalini Yoga Video for beginners if you want to learn more about it!
Communicate Your Intimate Feelings
We could continue our discussion on chakras, since communication has to do with the Throat and Heart chakras. I won’t dwell too much more on these, but want to emphasize the importance of getting in touch with our intimate feelings by communicating our needs with ourselves, our partners, or a trusted friend.
You can write down your feelings on paper, and examine the truth of your soul. Notice what comes up for you. Notice what you want, need, and value. If you have a partner, it’s important to express those needs and desires to them. It may require a little vulnerability on your part, but each person must understand what the other wants and needs, without making assumptions. If these aren’t clearly communicated, one or both of you may end up frustrated, angry, withdrawn, and the spark fizzles.
When you communicate, ask questions, listen carefully with your heart, and speak from your heart. Empty words mean nothing without your heart and soul – the place of truth within you.
Notice the sensations in your body. Do your heart and/or throat feel tight and constricted? Or light and open? When we notice the sensations in our body, we can learn what our bodies are trying to tell us. Invite softness from the sex organs to the navel, to the heart, to the throat, and up to the third eye, and crown of the head. Breath deeply, suspend the breath, and exhale. This is the practice of Kundalini yoga – It is pressure on purpose, so that we can feel the truth of our souls through our body temple.
Are You Feeling Good or Bad Energy Vibrations?
Bruce Lipton says that “when we start living in harmony with nature and with ourselves, we can create the honeymoon effect, where relationships are based on love, cooperation, and communication” – The most important are energy vibrations. Good vibes are nature’s way of telling you you’re in the right place or with the right person. Just being in the same room with a partner you’re in harmony with lifts your energy and you create ripples that produce high energy waves. Bad vibes in a relationship may be a warning sign, and may lead to arguments and separation.
Here’s where the Law of Attraction comes into play. If you’re always broadcasting anger about your previous relationships, the same kind of destructive relationship will show up again. Focus on love, support, and emotional closeness, not the negativity. Even if you’ve never been in true love before, fake it, imagine what that would be like, and you will start to attract what you vibrate.
When Your Intimate Feelings Fade
Everyone wishes they could stay in this blissful state of “honeymoon”, but the longer we are in a relationship, the more we fall back into our old habits and programming from past relationships, or our upbringing. We stop being immersed in the present moment of conscious awareness. We may get irritated by this or that, want time to ourselves, or we argue, feel angry, and soon enough we fall out of love.
When we are mindful, conscious, and self-aware, we notice how we feel, and remember where a certain attitude came from. When we observe ourselves like this, we can gently pull ourselves back into the moment and reconnect with our loved ones. We realize that we’ve fallen back into old patterns, habits, or ways of thinking. Talk to each other about the habitual patterns we fell back into, noticing them, and gently coming back to the present.
Eye Contact, Sensual Touch, and Make Believe
It helps to sit quietly and maintain eye contact for an extended time. If you practice this for several minutes, you’ll start to see your partner’s soul and the truth of who they are. It helps you reconnect on a deeper level. You can also practice a slower, more sensual touch along with the eye contact that comes from your heart.
Also remind each other of what excites you and makes you come alive in your relationship. Go out on a date instead of staying home, pretend it’s your first date, and recreate the sparks you once had.
Reconnect With Your Intimate Feelings Through Self-Hypnosis Tracks
You may have noticed I promote some self-hypnosis audio tracks on this site and in my blog posts. That’s because I really believe in the power of reprogramming your brain when it comes to being stuck in old programming. This negative state can really affect the quality of your relationships and intimate moments.
When you go into self-hypnosis with these tracks, you experience a mix of imagination and reality. When your brain is in this “theta” state, you have the opportunity to reprogram your mind, and give your intimate feelings a boost! How cool is that? All you need is a set of headphones, and a regular practice, with patience.
Even if you’re single, these tracks will help you keep you in touch with your sexual and intimate feelings, will help keep the “honeymoon” spark alive, and will help you manifest what you want, instead of what you don’t want!
Lee Spirit is an avid outdoors adventurer with a love for nature, photography, health & fitness, wellness, and spirituality. Her own personal journey has led her to the study and practice of mindfulness, health, wellness, yoga, spirituality, sound healing, meditation, and personal development for over 20 years. Get your Free 10 Days of Mind Healing here!