Copyright © 2020 Lee Spirit
Lately, I’ve tried to maintain my sense of balance and calm in the crazy world that is our reality today. A good sunset like this one usually helps! But I’ve found myself a little off balance, a little frustrated, and a little agitated by things. It’s like I’m in a constant state of frazzled zen! Haha! So I thought it appropriate to talk about some mindfulness benefits!
I can’t help but feel that my own frazzled zen state might be the cause of some strange power outages around here lately! My old toaster died the other day, and my blender outlet went out temporarily. Last night, we had a 40 minute power outage in the building. Tonight, my old string of Christmas lights burnt out! Time to do some serious grounding, wouldn’t you say? So let’s get into the grounding practice of mindfulness!
Mindfulness is one of those words that can mean a lot of different things. The dictionary defines it as “a quality or state of being conscious or aware”, or a mental state achieved by focusing your awareness on the present moment. When you calmly acknowledge and accept your feelings, thoughts, and sensations, you are being mindful. I like that definition, so let’s go with that, and discuss some mindfulness benefits!
Mindfulness Keeps You Grounded
Mindfulness can really help you stay grounded instead of frazzled and wired! Being grounded means you are well balanced. In nature, the earth provides grounding stability for you. When you’re not grounded, you may be functioning in a polarity. For example, you’re all frustration, or all peace. You’re meant to be balanced in the middle of that teeter-totter with a healthy combination of frustration and peace, or light and dark.
Mindfulness Gives You More Freedom
You may ask, “How am I more free when I am being mindful?” Well, when we practice mindfulness, we are essentially clearing our minds. We are not necessarily shutting off our busy thoughts, but we are becoming more aware of them. When we sit in the seat of awareness, we let go of those thoughts, even if just for a moment. A few moments become minutes, and minutes become an hour. This gives us new mental freedom, clarity, and an increased ability to manifest that which we desire.
Mindfulness Benefits and Our Emotions
Feelings and emotions are running rampant these days more than ever. When we’re stressed out, it not only affects our bodies and minds, but it affects all of our relationships and the people we come into contact with. Making mindfulness a priority in your life will reduce anxiety, worry, and stress that might be wrecking havoc on yourself and even on your loved ones around you.
All it takes is reserving 5 minutes for a breather in the bathroom, or up to an hour per day of a mindful activity, like going for a walk and staying in the present in the moment. Notice the beauty that surrounds you, the sound of the river flowing, and listen to the birds chirping. Soon, you will feel grateful for every little thing in your life, and your emotions will calm down.
Mindfulness Benefits and New Perspectives
When your emotions calm down, your mind becomes clearer and more focused. With a clear mind, you invite possibility and creativity. You are more able to see things in a different light, and consider things from a new perspective. Think about how contracted and stressed you are when your mind is going in circles about something you’re angry about. Usually that means you aren’t looking at things from a different point of view. You’re only focused on how you feel and what you think. When we calm these circling emotions, we are free to think without judgement, and invite other perspectives and ways of seeing things we may not have previously acknowledged. A new perspective can shift our whole way of being.
Mindfulness Creates Space For Love
When we are the witness of our own thoughts, feelings, and emotions, we create a new expansive state within our souls. In the seat of the soul, we are more alive than ever before. In this expanded state of being, our hearts are more open, compassionate, and loving towards ourselves and others. We are kinder to ourselves, and in turn, are more empathetic towards others. This really improves our connections and communications with others. When there is peace in our own hearts, we love others more fully.
There are so many more benefits of mindfulness but this touches on a few important ones, and I hope it provides a better of understanding of what it is and what it can do for you.
Lee Spirit is an avid outdoors adventurer with a love for nature, photography, health & fitness, wellness, and spirituality. Her own personal journey has led her to the study and practice of mindfulness, health, wellness, yoga, spirituality, sound healing, meditation, and personal development for over 20 years. Grab this Free Report on healing your mind!