Copyright © 2022 Lee Spirit
These days, I know it’s hard to have patience for Covid to go away, and life to return to some semblance of “normal”. It’s also challenging to have patience, faith, and trust that the Universe knows exactly what it’s doing, and that all things we wish for will come “in Divine timing”. We may have a hard time grasping that “we signed up to be here for this,” and that “we’re here now, in this, for a good reason”. It feels like we’re always waiting for things to get better. Waiting, waiting, waiting…Our lack of patience, faith, and trust shows up in so many ways in our lives, from simple annoyances, to work issues, to relationships. So let’s look at how to build patience, have faith in the process, and trust that everything will work out in the end.
Lessons in Patience That Come From Nature
The reason I chose this photo at Headwall Creek for this post is because on this day, there was a white-out snowfall happening for almost the entire snowshoe. It’s not my favourite weather to get caught in while adventuring in the outdoors. The thing that makes this great is that when you spend time in nature, you get to witness the weather patterns, and see for yourself that the snowstorm will pass, if you’re patient and wait for it…In this moment, the sun came out briefly, and almost momentarily, the sky was a beautiful blue.
These are lessons from nature that we can apply to our own lives – The storms will pass, and the sun will shine again, giving us hope. If we have faith that “This too shall pass”, it will. Trust that there is light at the end of the tunnel, and there will be light! Since we are made up of all the same elements in nature, we can trust that it is a reflection of ourselves and the cycle of life.
How To Build Patience
I know, it’s easier said than done! This topic came up for me over the holidays. I was trying to be patient for something, trying to have faith, and trying to trust that it would happen at just the right moment. When I didn’t receive that instant gratification, I watched myself growing impatient, feeling bad, insecure, and so on. All of my wounds resurfacing once again! It’s crazy what our thoughts do to us! Then I remembered how things have worked out for me in the past, just the way I wanted them to. All we need is just a little patience, faith, and trust, and good things do come. How to build patience:
4 Main Steps to Patience:
- Practice Becoming More Present: Developing your “presence” muscle means getting unstuck from your past, and letting go of future worries. Come into the “Now”, and experience the pleasure of what is, in this moment. Releasing our past and future takes a load off, and allows us to breathe deeply into what is happening, and how we are feeling now. When we know this, patience comes more easily.
- Accept What Is: When we’re in the present moment, we notice what’s happening in our minds, bodies, and spirit. We become the observer of our thoughts. The next step is then to accept what is. Some things may not be so good in our lives, but if we accept it without trying to fight it, we live with more ease and have more patience.
- Train Yourself To Live With Discomfort: One of the best ways we can build patience is to accept the difficulties in life as a learning and growth opportunity rather than a major struggle. Through a regular practice of yoga and meditation, we can find the gifts in pressing through our challenges. Then we become comfortable even when our lives have us twisted up like a pretzel in discomfort. Having patience is so much easier when we can push through our discomfort. In yoga we often hold poses at the edge of our discomfort for time. This helps build the patience muscle.
- Step Away From the Instant Gratification of Social Media: Often when we post something on social media, we get used to that instant love, like, or laugh. It can be addictive if we’re not careful, and it can contribute to our lack of patience when it doesn’t come. How about practising patience by taking a time-out from social media, so you can be more present in your reality, without waiting for gratification. You’ll be surprised how much better you will feel, and you’ll notice more positive energy flowing to you in other, healthier ways.
Click Here To Be Still and Know That You Are Emerging!
All We Need Is a Little Faith
When things don’t go our way, it’s so easy to fall into the trap of thinking it will never get better. How do we develop our faith that things will work out for us?
Remember that just because you can’t see something doesn’t mean it isn’t there! Faith is trusting the Universe, God, or whatever spiritual force you may believe in, is working in your favour. It’s a confidence that good things will come. You will receive what you have asked for.
Love is a great example of this. It’s something you cannot see, but it is always there. When you create space, and trust the love is there, it will show up for you in many different ways, starting with yourself. If you give love away, and stay open to receive it, it will come.
Faith Is…
Here are a few quotes I like from an unknown author on what faith is:
“Reliance on the certainty that [the universe] has a pattern for my life when everything else seems meaningless.”
“Remembering I am [a] priceless treasure when I feel utterly useless.”
“Keeping on when I’m dog tired, discouraged, disillusioned, deserted, dusty, and dry”, knowing the universe’s strength will carry me.
“Realizing that I am useful, not in spite of my scars, but because of them”.
“Confidence that [the universe] is acting for my highest good when [it] answers “No” to my prayers”.
“Accepting the truth that, in spite of the wreckage and grief I’ve caused, [my] slate is wiped clean”.
“Recognizing that [the universe] is the Lord of time when my idea of timing doesn’t agree with it.
“Remembering that, though my way is as dark as night to me, [the universe] can see and is guiding me unerringly.”
“Doing the right thing regardless of the consequences knowing [the universe] will turn the ultimate result into good.”
Building Faith
Yoga and Meditation Practice
Again, a regular, consistent practice of yoga and mediation can clear the vessel that is our mind-body-spirit. This will allow more intuition and love to arise. The combination of love in our hearts and intuition from in our third eye creates more wisdom and faith.
Ask For Help
We can build our faith that things will work out for us by asking our angels, ancestors, spirits, guides, and guardians for help. It can be a mental vibration, or out loud, but sometimes saying it out loud helps your prayers be heard! Ask, and you shall receive. Practice your patience and faith that your prayers are heard, and wait for the magic to happen! Know that you will be guided through difficult times.
Share Your Love
Faith becomes easier when we are generous with our love. The more you give away, the more you receive. Help others, offer up a smile, or make someone laugh. Be the lighthouse for others when they are struggling and know that this makes you stronger.
Surround Yourself With Those Who Uplift You
You are also stronger when you surround yourself with people who uplift your spirits, and who exhibit the qualities you like to see. Find your soul tribe, and a crowd of loving, caring supportive people who light you up rather than tearing you down. This will help your love and faith grow strong.
Trusting the Process
It’s hard to feel like things are going to work out for you when the world seems a mess. The politics, the education, the health care, and the economy all seem to be falling apart. It’s time for a transformation on the planet, so we have to trust that we are here for a purpose. Our job is to be the lighthouse for others, and raise the consciousness and vibration to something more positive and sustainable going forward.
In order to have more trust in the process of life, even when things are shattered and broken, there are a few things we can do…
3 Main Steps to Trust:
1. Stop thinking about the worst possible outcome for everything. I’m certainly guilty of that one! But really, what good can come when you’re focused on the negatives? You are what you focus on! So be light, trust that the Universe has your back, and good things will come when you’re in a higher vibrational, positive frequency. Look for the best possible scenarios rather than the worst, and manifest all good things.
2. Release and let go. You can’t control everything, so focus only on what you can control. Letting go will free up so much of your precious life energy, and when you do that, you create new space for other things to enter and flow into your life. It’s like that game where you let yourself fall backwards into other people’s arms. You trust that they are going to hold you up and save you. That’s like the Universe. When we release the tightly held grip on our circumstances, we allow the Universe to hold us up and guide us on.
3. Prepare for the unexpected, and get used to the idea that there will always be difficulties. If we meet these challenges with a clear and open mind, we start to see their gifts. Something unexpected may really be a blessing in disguise. If we trust that the storms of life are only temporary and that they’re there to teach us something, we will develop our ability to trust more easily.
Knowing How To Build Patience, Faith, and Trust
It’s very helpful to know how to build patience, faith, and trust in your daily life. Waiting around for days, months, and sometimes years for things to happen only gets you stuck in a rut, and feeling depressed. You can take control of your emotions, your actions, and your life! By engaging in a regular, consistent practice of yoga, meditation, walks in nature, or whatever makes you feel at peace, you can build your patience, faith, and trust! Know that you are being “taken care of”. Believe that your angels are always with you, and trust that they’ve always got your back, because they do!
Hope vs. Trust
I read something today – I don’t remember the source – that said we need to replace “hope” with “trust”, and I so agree! I often say, “I hope you are well”, or “I hope your family is healthy and safe”. Hoping for something is like suggesting they don’t already have it. It also suggests a fear that something isn’t right or isn’t there! Rather than hoping that things will get better, trust that they will get better! Trust that things are well, that the family is healthy and safe, and that your angels are there for you! You’ll find patience, faith, and trust leads to greater manifestation of all good things. It’s time to end your hopeless hoping and believe in magical possibilities!
Lee Spirit is an avid outdoors adventurer with a love for nature, photography, health & fitness, wellness, and spirituality. She helps those who suffer from anxiety & negative thinking to become healthier in mind-body-spirit. Her own personal journey has led her to the study and practice of mindfulness, health, wellness, yoga, spirituality, sound healing, meditation, and personal development for over 20 years. Get mindfulness, meditation, and personal development tips in her Free Natural Mind Healing Report.