Rise Above Challenges: How To Bounce Back Strong

A photo representing how we can rise above challenges on a hike in the extreme heat at Wind Ridge, near Canmore, Alberta, Canada.
Rising Above at Wind Ridge, near Canmore, Alberta, Canada
Copyright © 2021 Lee Spirit

We’re having quite the heat wave here in Alberta (and BC) at the moment! The temperatures have risen above normal for this time of year into the high 30-40C range. These temperatures are quite dangerous for both human and animal lives. Hiking up to great heights, like this hike I did the other day, is not the safest activity in 35C heat. But luckily my body seems to take the heat, and I love the hot sun! When the temperatures rise above normal, they will eventually come down and stabilize. We, too, can rise above challenges we may be facing, knowing that they will calm down and stabilize. If you’re feeling the heat, both literally and figuratively, then this article will show you how to bounce back strong!

Just like the temperatures fluctuate up and down, the roads of our lives go up and down, and may sometimes be bumpy. You may feel stuck in a rut, or like you’ve lost your direction, and you feel trapped. You may not know who you want to be, what your purpose is, or the kind of life you want for yourself. Or maybe you have an idea, but don’t know where to start to make it happen. If that is the case, you may feel dissatisfied and stressed with the way things are.

Find Your Inner Soldier and Rise Above Challenges!

Why You Are Stuck in a Rut?

You Don’t Know What You Want

One reason for getting yourself stuck in a rut and unable to rise above challenges is that you just don’t know what you want. Maybe you haven’t had time, or haven’t made the time, to really think about what you want. You’re just caught up in the daily grind. Without a clear idea of what you want to work towards, you’ll be spinning your wheels going nowhere.

It may be helpful to find your direction by asking yourself some important questions:

  • What are my values? Do I like serving others in some way that’s meaningful? Is being out in nature my thing? Do I love being in loving, connective relationships? Is a secure job important to me?
  • How do I express these values in work and personal life?
  • What kind of problems do I want to solve and do my values reflect that?
  • What does my future look like? Where do I live? What people am I surrounding myself with? How am I serving others?

When you have your clear answers, and know how you feel about your answers, you’ll have a better idea of who you really are, and your life will have more purpose going forward. Knowing your purpose will help you rise above challenges, and bounce back strong from setbacks.

You Don’t Know How To Get What You Want

Many of us accept the way things are in our lives, even if we’re not really happy in our current circumstances. So basically you are choosing to be stuck because that’s what you’re used to, and you see no other way. You can’t rise above challenges if you don’t have a good plan to get unstuck from your rut. Also, some people are afraid of planning in case they fail. Rising above failure is so much easier in the end than never taking that step to plan a few things out and living in misery. Make sure you set goals that are measurable and attainable.

You’re In Your Own Way

It does take a lot to get from being stuck to planning out your life, or at least a few important aspects of your life. There’s no doubt that you will run into obstacles along the way. So how do you remove these barriers to getting ahead in your life? Well, again, you need to ask yourself the tough questions:

  • What habits are keeping me stuck, and what habits are helping me move ahead?
  • What thought patterns are making it hard for me to succeed? Take a look at your mindset and ask yourself if you give up easily when things aren’t working the way you imagined. How do you handle frustration and setbacks? Make sure your mindset is not working against you.

When you can remove these unhealthy beliefs about yourself and negative thought patterns, you’ll find that you can rise above challenges much more easily and it’s possible to reinvent yourself.

Helpful Tips To Rise Above Challenges

  • Accept and embrace what is. Obstacles will challenge you and change you, and the more you resist those changes, the harder it will be for you to rise above challenges. Allow your challenges to strengthen you.
  • Create a healthy routine for yourself, morning and/or evening. This can include hydrating yourself properly, especially when the temperatures rise! Meditation before bed instead of prolonged screen time is also good, and of course exercise, especially out in nature. When you choose a healthy routine, it’s easier to rise above challenges and it gives you that extra boost and motivation.
  • Focus. This means focusing on one thing at a time, and focusing on self-care and self-improvement. This is important when challenges present themselves all at once. By focusing on the most important problems first, you can make your way through your list based on what needs immediate attention, and what can be put off until later.
  • Baby steps. This is my personal fave, because all it takes to make a change is to take one small step in a new direction, and the Universe will start doing all it can to bring you exactly what you’ve decided you want. When so many obstacles present themselves to you, taking one small step to resolving your issues will set you in the right direction. Don’t be so hard on yourself if you have a set-back. Know that you can take a baby step back if you do, adjust yourself, and then slowly move forward again.
  • Present-moment awareness. Tune into all your senses, and notice what you feel in this moment. This helps erase unwanted emotions from the past or worries about the future. It’s a great stress-reliever!
  • Have some fun! When there are so many obstacles and challenges on the road of life, it’s great to focus on what makes you happy and brings you joy. It can really recharge your batteries to have a good laugh with a friend, dance on the beach, or sing at the top of your lungs in the car.

Lee Spirit is an avid outdoors adventurer with a love for nature, photography, health & fitness, wellness, and spirituality. She helps those who suffer from anxiety & negative thinking to become healthier in mind-body-spirit. Her own personal journey has led her to the  study and practice of mindfulness, health, wellness, yoga, spirituality, sound healing, meditation, and personal development for over 20 years. Get mindfulness, meditation, and personal development tips in her Free Natural Mind Healing Report!

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