Copyright © 2020 Lee Spirit
Did you know that yoga can help you in speaking your truth? This was last weekend’s yoga Flow class in the park. The last of the leaves were hanging on and flapping in the wind like golden butterflies! We are now covered in a light blanket of snow in the city! So it’s time to transition to indoor yoga classes and home-workouts as we navigate through this crazy Covid-19 pandemic.
Today I started with a home Kundalini yoga class online. Kundalini yoga is a practice that moves the energy that lies dormant at the base of our spines up through our chakra energy centres. I have found it very useful for moving breath and negative energy outwards, and inviting a new healthier energy inside. Not to mention, the practice is centuries old, and contains spiritual guidance and golden nuggets of wisdom that help me stay mindful.
Today’s class focused on “speaking our truth“, which is a great way to cultivate a healthy, mindful nature. This is often so difficult for many of us to do. Why? Because we have been conditioned by our childhood, youth, and environments to not say, do, or be who we really are. Rather, we learn to do what others want or expect of us, while living and contracting in fear. But not speaking our truth can really do us harm internally.
Yoga encourages us, through movement and breath, to dispel that fear, move it on out, and to welcome courage in. As we move and breathe, we can ask ourselves, “Why do I lie?” We find the answers by opening the heart, mind, and inner lion voice of courage through different yoga practices.
I truly believe that my yoga practice over the years, along with the teachers who have added some mindfulness to the practice, has helped me realize and start to speak my own truth. It has been a long process to get to this point, as I started doing yoga as a cross-training workout! I used to giggle through class because I couldn’t be still. As time went on, I became less of a giggle-ball of anxiety, and was able to find my stillness within. With each movement and breath, it finally turned into a meditation for me.
It wasn’t until one particular gifted teacher introduced mindfulness to the movements, breath, and meditation we were doing that I suddenly came alive in spirit! My heart opened, my chakras opened, and I felt energized spiritually by each lesson of mindful wisdom she brought to the classes. I felt a new love for myself and others. When she left the studio, I felt deflated and drained. But it made me realize I had to find my own mindfulness practice within.
At the same time, I was beginning to realize my love for mindfulness in nature, the outdoors, all my activities, and the photographs that accompanied them. I wanted to share that mindfulness with others who needed it. You see, through yoga, I started to find my true purpose in everything I do outside of the yoga studio, and from that, I’m still working on speaking my truth.
Speaking your truth and finding your true purpose isn’t always an easy thing to do. But you can learn, through yoga, mindfulness, and many other ways, to let go of old beliefs, self-animosity, fears, judgements, and expectations. You can find the lion within who speaks up with courage! This is the voice of who you really are! Start by speaking to your inner child with the gentlest voice, saying, “I welcome your honesty”!
Check out this article: Abundance: How to Attract Fields of Gold. It teaches you how to speak your truth by opening up new space within yourself to create more authenticity.
Lee Spirit is an avid outdoors adventurer with a love for nature, photography, health & fitness, wellness, and spirituality. Her own personal journey has led her to the study and practice of mindfulness, health, wellness, yoga, spirituality, sound healing, meditation, and personal development for over 20 years. Learn more about Mindfulness here!