Overcoming Obstacles in Life: How To Jump Hurdles

A photo of an ominous looking dark sky with sun shining through over some wavy waters like overcoming obstacles requires movement through waves and dark skies sometimes.
Copyright © 2023 Lee Spirit

Oh my goodness, sometimes life just throws a wrench into everything, right!? It seems like every which way you turn, there’s some sort of road block or hurdle to jump over. That’s how I feel with technology, and my behind-the-scenes website issues! It also applies to many other life changes. How do we overcome obstacles in a healthy way without losing our minds, throwing our hands in the air, and saying to heck with it!

It’s a given that everything in life and technology is going to change at some point, and we have to learn to roll with the changes. But sometimes don’t you feel like management just wants to change things up only to show the higher powers-that-be that they are improving processes and being more efficient? Don’t you find, too, that really they’re only making things more difficult? My philosophy is often, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!” That’s not a popular quote for managers trying to make things easier for all. So we just have to learn that overcoming obstacles and jumping hurdles can be done instead of crashing into them! Here are a few ways to do that…

Overcoming Obstacles By Taking Space

Okay, it’s not always easy to overcome obstacles gracefully. I tend to get so frustrated that I might even snap or snarl at other people. I get tired, and feel like I need a break, and that’s exactly it. I do need a break! Taking breaks and breathers are so very important to your wellbeing. If something is frustrating, like figuring out how to set up this cool new feature that is supposed to save me time and energy but is only creating a big headache, I need to step away from it for a while! Overcoming obstacles can’t be done when you’re in a snit!

Meditate To Create That Space

Meditation is a good, healthy way to clear the mind-space, re-energize yourself and allow your mind to rest from its overthinking and over-analyzing. How do you make this thing work that isn’t working? Head outside for some fresh air, and sit peacefully in nature’s care! The best creative energy comes from creating space in your mind-body-spirit. If you’re tired and getting angry, the solution is not going to come to you.

Overcoming obstacles is done by creating space, and you will feel so much better, being able to come back refreshed and recharged! I had a great break today at an outdoor yoga class in the warm sunshine. The slower pace and stretches felt so good for the soul!

However, after the class, I was only able to continue working on this problem for a short while before feeling frustrated again. So obviously I haven’t taken enough space! It’s important to pay attention to what you need, and what your body is asking for. The more frustrated you are, the more space you need!

Overcoming Obstacles By Letting It All Out

By “letting it all out” I am talking about your frustration, your anger, and your feelings of defeat. When you’re feeling like you’ve hit a major roadblock, just acknowledge how you feel instead of trying to suppress it. When you suppress your feelings, they build and build inside of you until one day you just explode. This can be very harmful to others and to yourself. If you need to cry, let the tears fall! If this problem you can’t fix makes you want to quit, just notice how you feel about overcoming obstacles, and allow yourself to feel what you feel.

Ways To Let It All Out

Perhaps you share your feelings with a good friend, write them down, or even dance around the living room in the way that your feelings call you to move. Just let the feelings move through you. As the saying goes, “the way out is through”…So make sure you let it all out in a way that works for you. Nature is always my go-to for overcoming obstacles!

Ask For Some Assistance

I admit these technical problems I’ve been having this past year are really starting to wear on me. Sometimes all it takes to relieve the pressure of having to overcome obstacles is to simply ask the support people that are there for you to help. They are usually quite friendly and supportive, and will go out of their way to help you fix what needs fixing. Sometimes they can help you see things in a new light, or will give you one little hint that was the piece of information you needed. A little help can go a long way! It’s good to remember you’re never alone in your struggles. Help is just an email, text, or phone call away.

Overcoming Obstacles With Positivity and Words of Affirmation

I know when you’re feeling so stuck in rut, it’s hard to be positive and hard to think of overcoming obstacles. But speaking words of affirmation to yourself really has a positive effect on your ability to problem-solve. Words of affirmation are brief, positive expressions you can tell yourself that will empower you to be better, do better, and find the solutions you need to effectively jump all the hurdles. An example is something like, “I can do this”, “I believe in myself”, “I will find the solution”.

If you are looking for some great positive affirmations, and also a way to be mindful and zone out in a beautiful space, I invite you to try my Mindful Nature Affirmations Colouring Pages! Studies have shown that mindful colouring is very beneficial to your mental health, and you don’t even need to be a kid to reap the benefits!

Overcoming Obstacles By Being of Service

I know you’re probably thinking that you have enough to worry about trying to figure out your own problems, and how can you possibly be of service to others? Well first of all, keeping that positive mindset is important, as well as the clear mind I was talking about. When you can do that, and open your heart to the idea of helping someone else who is in need, you end up feeling even better about yourself! The solutions to your problems will come to you in a creative, inspirational burst, and overcoming obstacles will be way easier!

Check out the different ways you can Be of Service To Others and Fulfill Your Life Purpose. Being of service doesn’t have to be difficult, or even time-consuming! A simple smile, a healing touch or word can make a huge difference in someone’s day or even life! Kindness is never forgotten!

Believe me, I know it’s aggravating when you can’t figure out how to overcome obstacles, but with a little patience, kindness, and tolerance, and some good mindful space, you will get through it! We shall overcome!

Lee Spirit is an avid outdoors adventurer with a love for nature, photography, health & fitness, wellness, and spirituality. She helps those who suffer from anxiety & negative thinking to become healthier in mind-body-spirit. Her own personal journey has led her to the  study and practice of mindfulness, health, wellness, yoga, spirituality, sound healing, meditation, and personal development for over 20 years. Get mindfulness, meditation, and personal development tips in her Free Natural Mind Healing Report.

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