Copyright © 2021 Lee Spirit
I came across this beautiful deer while in Jasper, Alberta, Canada – A true spirit of loving kindness! I like to delve into the spiritual meaning of animals, and how it relates to my current reality. Here is what came up: “A deer represents inner peace, tranquility, gentleness, intuition, graceful action, and self-awareness. They have a strong spiritual connection, as they are aware of subtle energies happening all around them. They can also represent your deeper connections with your close family and friends, bringing unconditional love, belonging, and community to the forefront”.
Wow! So true! I have to say that in the moment, I was certainly in a place of tranquility and peace, but also in need of some loving kindness! Shortly thereafter, I received a sweet message from someone close to my heart, and all was well…A deer can be a reminder to give loving kindness to ourselves and others, particularly in these times of isolation, trouble, and strife. This morning, I saw 5 more beautiful deer spirits while watching the sunrise, and automatically wanted to share this, and extend some kindness to others.
What Is Loving Kindness?
Seeing a deer is just one symbol that can remind you to be loving and kind to yourself and others, but certainly isn’t the only one! Loving kindness means you have good wishes, intentions, and warmth for yourself and others to be happy, healthy, safe, peaceful, and at ease.
We all want these things, but sometimes in the midst of fear, anger, stress, discomfort, and grief, we forget to be kind. It’s important to try to keep our hearts open, even during the most difficult circumstances and relationships. When we have a full heart, we have more to give to others.
You may ask yourself, “Why be kind to someone who has been unkind to me?” Well, the heart of compassion is one who realizes that those who lash out on, or hurt others are feeling great internal pain themselves. Those who are in pain get relief sometimes by lashing out on others, without realizing this gives them relief. Your kindness in this case may disrupt their pattern of hurting, and make them also want to be kind in return, which is their true nature.
Here is a passage that resonates with this: “But if your enemy is hungry, feed him, and if he is thirsty, give him a drink; for in so doing you will heap burning coals on his head. Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” (The Bible, Romans 12:20-21).
Click Here To Radiate Kindness and Compassion In the Present Moment!
What Loving Kindness Is Not
Loving kindness isn’t being nice to appease someone else, or to fit in and be liked. We don’t want to enable someone’s unkind or harmful behaviour. Rather, we want to genuinely express our heart-felt wishes for them to be happy, healthy, safe, and at ease.
This may mean saying “No” in certain circumstances. It may mean expressing our honest truth, even if it’s not what the other person wants to hear. It may mean you stop giving so much attention to someone who isn’t giving you the time of day.
Loving Kindness Meditation Practice
I’ve been practising with a local yoga and meditation group this week what is called the “Loving Kindness Meditation”. What a great way to cultivate kindness towards ourselves and others over a 7 day period! The effects go far beyond the 7 days, as we share this kindness with others day-to-day.
This meditation cultivates more kindness within, and “as within, so without”! Your loving kindness towards yourself then radiates out towards others. First directing it towards yourself, then to a loved one, then a foe, someone you don’t know very well, and finally to all beings.
The Practice
In brief, the meditation is a repetition of the phrases, “May you be happy, may you be healthy, may you be safe, may you be free from suffering, and at ease”. There are some variations on that, but that is the gist of it.
A regular focus on directing your energy towards kindness will help in your daily life to be kind to others. This allows us to be compassionate even towards those you are having difficulties with, or don’t even know.
Why We Need a Reminder To Be Kind
Again, when we are caught up in our daily activities and responsibilities, or bombarded with negative news, pandemic stress, and financial stress, we often forget to be loving and kind. That’s why practising this Loving Kindness Meditation on a regular basis is beneficial. Kindness becomes an automatic habit.
When we are kind to ourselves, we have an overflowing reservoir of love to share with others. This works the other way around too. When we make it a practice to give loving kindness to others, we make it a habit to also give it to ourselves.
Being Authentic
It’s important to not try and force something that isn’t authentic, meaning if you are trying to force kindness and love on another soul when you really feel angry, or hateful, it’s no use. Just take a step back in this case, and come into your own peaceful space of breathing through your anger. Feel it, allow it to be there, and then let it subside.
When you’re in a more neutral space, it’s much easier for the love and kindness to flow authentically from your heart. The truth of your soul is love, and light! Let it shine!
Ensuring That Your Loving Kindness Practice Sticks
Once you’ve committed to making loving kindness a real thing in your life, how do you maintain it when things turn sour or go sideways and upside down? There are 3 steps to make this a life habit:
- Practice! Practice giving loving kindness to yourself and others on a daily basis until it becomes more natural and habitual. This may mean smiling at a stranger as you pass them on the sidewalk, offering a helping hand, buying someone coffee, or a silent wish that they be well.
- Meditate! When you meditate, in whatever way you find most beneficial, you come into a space of calm neutrality. This space allows you to examine your thoughts, your mental state, where your physical body aches, what that tells you, and where that all began in your past programming. Through breath practice, you feel through your pain, and give yourself compassion and kindness so you can radiate loving kindness to others.
- Commit! When you commit to this 3 step process, you begin to embody loving kindness in your mind, body, and spirit. In this case, you aren’t just “doing” something kind, but your whole body, mind, and spirit radiate light, love, compassion, and kindness.
Truth Is Your Name
I truly hope these steps will help you feel and let go of your own suffering, and empathize with the suffering of all beings. At our core, we are light and love, and this practice of loving kindness will bring that out more in ourselves and others, reminding ourselves and others of who we truly are. “Sat Nam”, means “Truth is my name”. That truth is loving kindness.
Lee Spirit is an avid outdoors adventurer with a love for nature, photography, health & fitness, wellness, and spirituality. She helps those who suffer from anxiety & negative thinking to become healthier in mind-body-spirit. Her own personal journey has led her to the study and practice of mindfulness, health, wellness, yoga, spirituality, sound healing, meditation, and personal development for over 20 years. Get mindfulness, meditation, and personal development tips in her Free Natural Mind Healing Report.