Copyright © 2022 Lee Spirit
As some of you know, I’ve been away for a while, having come down with a case of COVID in an outbreak. I’ve been doing everything I can to avoid getting it, as I pride myself on being healthy – This, my first illness of any sort in 3 years. I guess I was due for something big again, but naturally, it has made me a bit grouchy. Not to mention, I lost my sense of smell, and hence taste. It is slowly returning though, and I expect to make a full recovery. For this, I can count my blessings, as obviously it could be much worse. It reminds me that taking things for granted, like our beautiful senses, is a bad idea.
The thought crossed my mind several times that I may never be able to smell the flowers, or the scents of the forest again. I have loved so much to engage all my senses as a way to be mindful in nature. So this post is all about taking things for granted, and learning to become present and grateful for what we do have.
Blessings, Blessings, and More Blessings…
My photo is from my last hike to Picklejar Lakes – 3 gorgeous lakes nestled up in a mountain range. It’s a beautiful place to engage the senses, and remember taking things for granted is like forgetting our blessings. Blessings are such things like being able to see these glorious lakes, smell the forest, or jump into the water and feel the coolness of glacier fed waters. It might be feeling the warmth of the sun on your skin, or the wind rustling your hair in the breeze. Now, more than ever, is a great time to stop taking things for granted, and start being present to the blessings right in front of you.
Taking Things For Granted: How We Fall Into the Trap
It may sound cliche that we take things for granted all the time. How do we so easily lose track of all the wonders of the world? When we’re born, we are pure consciousness, revelling at each sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell. It’s a whole new experience for us. Sometimes when I travel to a new place, I feel like a little kid seeing something for the first time ever. I’m completely amazed in my sense of “Wow!” This is how we can treat each moment in this precious life, but we grow up and are conditioned by our environment. Suddenly we are complaining about everything, and losing sight of our many blessings.
Losing Sight of Our Blessings
We fall into the trap of taking things for granted when we are spoiled, have everything done for us, or are exposed to the same thing over and over. It gets to the point that it becomes commonplace and uninteresting to us. As we grow, we start seeking for something more. We look to things outside of us to “complete” us. It may be a relationship, a new car, an exotic vacation, or simply a coffee fix.
Taking Things For Granted: Losing Sight of the Present Moment
When we are looking outside of ourselves for something more, we fail to see the beauty of what is. We lose sight of the present moment waiting for a better future, or dwelling on the past. We start taking for granted the fact that we have a stable financial support provided by our jobs or parents. Maybe we are so busy rushing to work that we miss the most beautiful dew on the morning grass. We might miss the bird song in the tree outside our window, or the scent of the flowers on our path.
Common Things We Take For Granted
We forget how lucky we are to have a roof over our heads, and that we have senses to experience this beautiful world. How often do you throw out extra food without a thought that there is someone desperately in need of this nourishment? Do you eat unhealthy chips and processed foods, treating your healthy body like it will last forever? How easy it is to fall into this trap!
Keeping a Positive Mind
Yes, having COVID bites, but realizing I still have the ability to breathe clean air is a true blessing! My coffee doesn’t smell or taste right yet, but hey, I’m enjoying a cup of it anyway, and I’ll probably get my smell/taste back soon! I have a comfortable bed to heal in, and I’ve been able to go for walks. Soon I will be back in the mountains doing everything I’ve always loved and had the strength to do! Thank goodness for my strong, healthy immune system!
Keep Counting Those Blessings…
I have hot and cold water to bathe, cook, and clean with, and a shirt on my back. There are comfortable shoes upon my feet, and I have an adequate income for my needs. I have a good appetite and strength, and some supportive family and friends. The internet can be a real pain and addictive, but it’s there for me to connect with others all over the world.
Remember your blessings whenever you are down. Start being more present in each moment of life. Cherish each moment, from the leaf on the tree to the refreshing rain showers. Remember that you are always loved and cared for, and angels surround and protect you.
Click here to Love What Is and Learn To Be With Whatever Arises
Taking Things For Granted? Build More Presence
It’s easy enough to say, “Be more present!”, but what does it mean to build up your present-moment awareness? How can you get there? It’s quite easy to identify someone who is not present. Notice how caught up a person is in being busy with daily work or activities. This pulls them out of conscious awareness.
Slowing Down
Sometimes the act of simply slowing things down will help you get out of that constant state of being busy. Yes, it’s good to be busy. However, once it takes over your general state of being, you lose sight of your blessings. Slowing down will help bring you back to what is real, right now. You are then able to look for meaning and fulfilment in your present moments.
Social Media Breaks
I’ve mentioned in some other posts how social media addiction can take you away from what is real too. Scrolling is a way to fill your time when you’re bored or feel the need to constantly check up on what your friends are doing. This takes you away from your own reality, and may numb the feelings of boredom only temporarily. Taking a break from technology is a good idea. COVID has forced me to do that, as I couldn’t see properly for several days! Such a good sign from the Universe to take a break and come back to myself!
Calm the Nervous System
When our nervous systems are over-active and we are stressed out, it’s a good time to stop and take a breather. Meditating in the outdoors is a great way to calm the nervous system. Even just being in your backyard, or out on your patio with some plants can calm us down. We are then able to consciously be in the present moment, and aware of how we feel. Look for that state of “shuniya”, or neutrality that comes with a clear, meditative mind. It will bring you back to the present moment and to your many blessings.
What Little Things Light You Up?
Instead of reaching outside of yourself for big things that you think will bring you great pleasure, look for the little things that make you happy. Examples include going on a big vacation, buying a new car or house, or feeling like you need to make a certain amount of money at your job.
Things That Make You Happy…
Look to the simple things in life. I love to feel the warmth of the summer sun on my skin. A walk in nature, even in the big city close to a river or Evergreen trees can make me feel like a million bucks.
Even though COVID has made my coffee taste and smell terrible, I’m still enjoying my usual cups every morning. I anticipate that one day soon, it will smell and taste as good as it did! I love to see the neighbourhood bunny resting outside my patio. Hearing a new birdsong, or watching the Falcons swoop overhead brings me great joy. These little life blessings are something to be grateful for, and the more gratitude you can cultivate, the more abundance you will have in all aspects of your life.
Keeping Healthy Boundaries
Having healthy boundaries means learning to say “No” when you mean “No”. Perhaps you’re worried about letting someone down. Just know that letting that person go might be what you need to do to stay healthy and sane. So it’s good to develop the skill of setting healthy boundaries. Have you considered that you don’t need to let that person go, but you just need to dial back the amount of attention you are giving them? Know that it’s possible to hold your “No”, while still being pleasing to others.
Keeping healthy boundaries will help free up some of your precious time and energy. This, in turn, will keep you healthier, more present, and more grateful.
Building More Gratitude
The best way to build more gratitude in your life is by writing down all the things you are grateful for. You can do this daily or weekly, and review what you have written whenever you fall into a state of grumpiness. I’d sure like COVID to take a hike now, but if I remember my gratitude journal, and its entries, I will quickly feel better and know that things could be much worse.
I Want To Thank You, Thank You…
In addition to writing a list, or filling a jar with all the things you are grateful for, remember the importance of thanking people. Show your appreciation for all they have said or done for you that mattered to you. I’m so grateful for the friends and family who have checked up on me, offered up prayers, offered to bring me something, or sent words of love, light, and healing during this time. Remember that what you give and are grateful for will come back to you ten-fold.
My Grandma used to always say this little prayer before we ate, and it’s so simple, yet powerful: “Thank you for the world so sweet, thank you for the food we eat, thank you for the birds that sing, thank you God for everything!”
Taking things for granted will surely happen a lot less the more presence and gratitude you can build into your daily life. Keep a grateful heart, be kind and compassionate towards others. Taking things for granted will become a thing of the past.
Lee Spirit is an avid outdoors adventurer with a love for nature, photography, health & fitness, wellness, and spirituality. She helps those who suffer from anxiety & negative thinking to become healthier in mind-body-spirit. Her own personal journey has led her to the study and practice of mindfulness, health, wellness, yoga, spirituality, sound healing, meditation, and personal development for over 20 years. Get mindfulness, meditation, and personal development tips in her Free Natural Mind Healing Report.