Copyright © 2021 Lee Spirit
Have you ever wanted to say something to someone so badly, but you just couldn’t spit it out? Perhaps you have a fear of being rejected, or shut down, so you just keep quiet instead? Or maybe you have a fear of public speaking, and when you try, your throat chakra gets tight and nothing comes out? I can definitely relate to both, as they have happened to me many times over the course my lifetime!
Our throat chakra is an energy centre around the throat, neck, mouth, and ears that relates to our ability to communicate and express ourselves in these and other situations. Its colour is turquoise, much like the colour of beautiful Lake Louise, in the photo above. Of course this energy doesn’t really have a colour, but this helps us distinguish between the various energy centres. It’s associated with the qualities of purity, truth, authenticity, and deep listening.
In kundalini yoga, “Sat Nam” is often said, which roughly translates to “Truth is my essence”. This is what we strive for in our expression with others – To use our authentic voice, speaking our truth from the open heart and soul, rather than from constructs of the mind.
Why The Throat Chakra Gets Blocked
Speaking our truth isn’t always an easy feat though. Our throat chakra can become quite blocked if our past programming from childhood, or any painful experience during our lives, taught us that our voice doesn’t matter.
Sometimes parents, teachers, or significant others are quite authoritative, or see the world from a very narrow lens. This makes us feel like only their point of view matters, and ours doesn’t. So over time, a blockage builds up in the throat chakra area, like a kink in a hose, and the energy can’t flow freely.
What a Blocked Throat Chakra Feels Like
These blockages can show up as physical sensations in the area of the neck, throat, head, or ears. A kink in your neck, or an earache is your throat chakra telling you that its energy is not flowing freely.
You may feel like you can’t speak in certain situations, like your throat just shuts off. It may show up as painful emotions, issues, challenges, or situations. We may have limiting beliefs about ourselves, or it may be a judgement, doubt, insecurity, or fear. You may feel guilty or resentful, or unable to forgive yourself and others.
How Not Speaking Your Truth Can Affect You
As a result, you may feel you need to please others, tell lies, or agree to things just so that you don’t disappoint someone or hurt their feelings. You may find yourself not entering a certain relationship because someone wouldn’t approve. Or you may find yourself never leaving an abusive relationship because you can’t say no, and can’t speak up for yourself.
Sometimes you just need to have the difficult conversations with someone that you don’t want to have. For instance, maybe you like someone romantically, but can’t bring yourself to tell them for fear of rejection. But holding onto that fear, and never saying what you need to say may result in your never being able to move on, or never having a chance at love. Or worse, it can start to build up in the body, and manifest as physical discomfort, pain, or illness.
Ultimately, the repression of what you need to express may do some serious damage, so it’s worth having these conversations, hearing the “No” that you may need to hear, and living in alignment with your truth.
Opening & Healing the Throat Chakra
One thing to keep in mind is that the blockage that results from not speaking your truth is not really even there! It’s an illusion of the mind! Just focus on the truth and light of your soul to raise your energetic vibration. When the light flows into your heart, everything opens up, and you speak from the heart, not the mind.
You may also ask yourself, “What inside of me wants to express?” Reflect on that, and be curious about it. Maybe the truth of your soul is not the job you are doing day-to-day. Or maybe the place you are living is not where you want to live, or the relationship you’re in is not the person you want to be with. How can you express yourself and your needs more confidently, clearly, and authentically? How can you be more of who you really are?
Practicing Yoga To Open The Throat Chakra
Some yoga postures you can practice include shoulder stand, plow, bridge, cat-cow, and fish pose. Practising these poses regularly will help open up the heart and throat so you can speak your truth with integrity. Remember that no chakra stands alone. They all work together, and support each other. So doing yoga will help open up all the chakras! It’s even better if you can practice out in nature to allow your authentic truth in via the elements.
You can also read up how Speaking Your Truth Can Begin With Yoga.
Opening Up With the Help of Your Voice
As mentioned in one of my previous posts on Finding the Path To Your Authentic Voice, you can open your throat chakra by using your voice. This includes speaking, singing, chanting mantras, or even a primal scream!
The gift of chanting mantras is that is can be felt not only in the throat chakra area, but throughout the body. It creates thought-energy waves, and the whole body vibrates in tune with that energy. Your mind also relaxes and allows the release of negative thoughts and stress. There is a mantra for the throat area that stimulates it when chanted repeatedly, and that is “Ham”. Not like the ham you eat! More like, “Hum”. This can be felt in the throat, head, ears, and lips when you chant it. Don’t be shy, give it a try!
Benefits of Being Able to Speak Your Truth
Once your throat chakra is open and its energy flowing, you begin to:
- inspire others
- express yourself effectively
- communicate clearly
- forgive yourself and others
- live authentically from the truth of your heart and soul
- attract and manifest that which you desire
- vibrate at a higher frequency
- share that high vibration with others
- communicate who you really are, your feelings, and needs
- clearly state your boundaries with confidence and without fear or judgement
- speak up for yourself and your rights
- say yes when you mean yes, and no when you mean no
- know how you feel physically, mentally, emotionally
- say what you need to say
- be honest about how you feel when someone asks
- be silent when it’s the right time for silence
- tell the truth
- ask for what you need
- practice being vulnerable
- express yourself at just the right timing
- respond instead of reacting
- avoid blaming the other
- release guilt, resentment, and shame
- act with integrity
The list goes on! I hope you can see why it’s so important to balance your throat, and all the chakras in your energy system so that you speak from a heart that is wide open, and stand in your truth and integrity in all your interactions with others. When you speak your truth, you are helping yourself, and allowing those around you to speak theirs.
Lee Spirit is an avid outdoors adventurer with a love for nature, photography, health & fitness, wellness, and spirituality. Her own personal journey has led her to the study and practice of mindfulness, health, wellness, yoga, spirituality, sound healing, meditation, and personal development for over 20 years. Get Lee’s Free ‘Natural Mind Healing’ Report to help keep your chakras balanced and your mind neutral.