Change of Seasons and Your Beautiful Transformation

A photo of orange and yellow Autumn leaves representing the change of seasons and how we can transform ourselves.
Changing of the Season in Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Copyright © 2022 Lee Spirit 

The seasons are changing again, and I have to say I love where I live because I love the change of seasons! Not only does it provide a beautiful colour change in the leaves, but it provides some great variety in life! We begin to change the activities we do, as we move from outdoors to indoors. It includes a beautiful transformation within ourselves as we reflect on the previous season and all we’ve accomplished. It’s a time to decide how we might want to change going forward.

Change of Seasons Also Brings Sadness

The change of seasons doesn’t come without some feelings of sadness though! It’s good to remember that it’s okay to feel a little blue when the Summer and Autumn warmth starts to fade. With our crazy weather patterns, it may be more of an abrupt change from warmth to winter! This may even make you downright grouchy!

Watching our Mother Earth change from blossoming flowers and bursts of colour to dead, brown leaves falling off the trees, and bare branches is sort of like witnessing death. While we don’t like to think of death, it’s a beautiful reminder that everything is temporary. That is, until the time of rebirth!

If you feel you are losing something at the change of seasons, just remember that death is always followed by rebirth. Spring always follows winter, and sometimes letting things go that no longer serve at this time is a great way to make room for new things to grow.

Surrendering To the Flow of the Change of Seasons

It’s important to try not to resist change, and just allow it. Let it be what it is. Resistance only makes our negative feelings about things even worse. This may play out as getting into an argument with someone, being mad about the snow ruining your plans, or shutting yourself off from the joys of living. If we notice and acknowledge our negativity, it’s the first step to letting it be. Notice, breathe, and let it be.

We can shift to a more positive perspective and get into the habit of surrendering to change rather than resisting it with all our might. The trees don’t complain about being stripped of their leaves. They stand tall and steady, weather the storms of life, and then they sprout again when it’s time. We can do the same!

Change of Seasons Is a Beautiful Metamorphosis

If we think of the change of seasons as a beautiful metamorphosis in nature and also within ourselves, we can embrace the bitter cold, and the snow and ice, knowing that it will melt and Spring will come again. The caterpillars will turn into butterflies again, and we, too, will come out of our cocoons and spread our wings and fly!

Embracing and Finding the Beauty in Winter

Winter is a time to go deeper within ourselves to explore what’s there in our mind-body-spirit, and rest, just as nature rests. When that white blanket of snow covers the land, see it as an opportunity to snuggle underneath your blankets and practice self-care so that you can better serve others.

There is so much beauty in the winter. From the contrast of the blue sky and sunshine with the sparkling white snow, to the coziness of sitting by the fire sipping hot chocolate or visiting with friends indoors. Maybe it’s taking in some live music, dancing, singing, and rediscovering a part of you that you had forgotten all about. Allow the sacred vibrational sounds of the sweet music raise the vibrational energy of your soul!

Maybe it’s dashing through the snow in your snowshoes that brings you joy, skating on ice skates, or skiing down a slippery slope…

Perhaps it’s simply warm soup, thick socks and sweaters, colourful toques, laughing children, and rosy cheeks…Find your joys in the change of seasons!

How To Make Your Beautiful Transformation Go Smoothly

  1. Start by noticing and acknowledging that something is restless inside of you, and change is coming. Just being conscious and aware is the first step to making subtle or big shifts in your reality.
  2. See change of seasons and challenges in life as a positive, not a negative. Remember challenge is there to present you with new opportunities and growth that will make your life better, not worse.
  3. If your past programming and old traumas resurface at the thought of change, practice self-care. Heal your wounds by feeling them fully, allowing them to resurface rather than shoving them down and away. Stay balanced through yoga, meditation, and time spent in nature. Do whatever it is that lights you up!
  4. When feeling overwhelmed by change of seasons and changes in your life, remember to breathe deeply! You don’t have to do everything at once. Take one day at a time, and baby steps to get where you want to be in mind-body-spirit. When feeling overwhelmed let your heart energy and intuition guide you.

If you need more guidance on managing change in your life, Click here for some Great Ideas on Manifesting Positive Change!

Practice Gratitude at the Change of Seasons

As a final thought, remember that when the seasons change, and there is something you don’t like about it, then there’s probably something you don’t like within yourself or your life. That means it’s time for a change, even if you don’t like it. A great way to embrace change is to feel grateful for all that you are, and all that you have. You are beautiful just the way you are, and you have everything you need in this moment. When you emit that positive vibe, you will only attract more abundance of all the things you truly desire. By “things”, I don’t mean material things, but and abundance of love, happiness, joy, and a life of purpose.

Lee Spirit is an avid outdoors adventurer with a love for nature, photography, health & fitness, wellness, and spirituality. She helps those who suffer from anxiety & negative thinking to become healthier in mind-body-spirit. Her own personal journey has led her to the  study and practice of mindfulness, health, wellness, yoga, spirituality, sound healing, meditation, and personal development for over 20 years. Get mindfulness, meditation, and personal development tips in her Free Natural Mind Healing Report.

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