Copyright © 2020 Lee Spirit
Last weekend I rushed out to the mountains again to capture the golden larch trees in Banff – Something for which I have much gratitude when I happen to see them! The larches don’t usually last for more than a few weeks in September. There was a possibility of rain, which isn’t my favourite hiking weather, but I took my chances and headed for the hills!
As soon as I arrived, there were white snowflakes falling! The further I climbed up this mountain, the heavier the snow got. I dressed appropriately expecting a little rain and coldness, but I wasn’t quite feeling ready for winter yet! It rained on the hike back, and it was a cold 3C. I was soaked and had to crank the heat all the way home!
It’s funny how we can get in a bad mood over something as beautiful as the changing element of water. Water has many forms and represents a flowing of energy. Our bodies have flowing blood and lymphatic fluids. The oceans and rivers flow. The clouds form in the sky, and the rain and snow fall. The lakes turn into ice, and then melt again in this constant natural ebb and flow of energy.
How can it make me grumpy to see a cloudy sky or rain? Nature is our teacher and it’s best to go with the flow rather than against the flow. Going against the flow will always cause grief.
So it’s important for us to remember gratitude for change, and to live each day as if it was our last. If it was your last day, you’d be rushing outside to feel one last refreshing rain shower from nature on your face. Some people have never even seen snow before, and would do anything to feel its coldness and wetness. There are people who don’t have enough water to drink.
So I did my best to count my blessings. My healthy body with flowing lymphatic fluid and blood pumping through my veins was able to get me to this colourful place of wonder and beauty! I made it to this little lake in the mountains with enough water to drink, and look how calm and peaceful the water is! The trees were standing tall, waiting there for me in their yellow, red, and orange Autumn gowns!
Really not much to be unhappy about, but when the grumpiness happens to us, it’s a good idea to get in the habit of noticing our negative thoughts, and then trying to shift our perspective into one of gratitude. Sometimes the waters, and changes, of our lives are tumultuous, churned, and wavy rather than relaxed and calm. We can feel like we are drowning in rocky waters.
In this case, you don’t have to climb to a mountain lake if that’s not your thing. You can create an image in your mind of peaceful, calm waters. Visualize that still pond or lake in your mind’s eye, and take yourself there. Feel what you are grateful for, and blessed with in the moment, and bring a healthy flow state to your mind, body, and spirit! Appreciate the changing element of water and its many lessons! Also gain an appreciation of the changes in your life. Thank you, dear water, for this lesson!
Learn more about Gratefulness During Challenging Times!
Lee Spirit is an avid outdoors adventurer with a love for nature, photography, health & fitness, wellness, and spirituality. Her own personal journey has led her to the study and practice of mindfulness, health, wellness, yoga, spirituality, sound healing, meditation, and personal development for over 20 years. Learn more about Mindfulness here!