Flow State: How Is the River of Your Life Flowing?

Bow River, Calgary, AB, Canada, getting us into a flow state.
Bow River, Calgary, AB, Canada
Copyright © 2020 Lee Spirit 

I was out for a run this evening to get me into my “flow state“. This means that I clear my mind of thoughts, focus on my breath, and invite spontaneous creativity and inspiration! I get my best ideas for mindful writing in this state!

It was more about stopping to admire, and be present in each moment of golden beauty! Autumn leaves are so pretty! I love the lines of this photo, with the grass blowing, the trail winding, and the river flowing! When we are “in flow“, we are fully immersed, energized, and focused because what we are doing and being brings us great joy!

Lately, though, I’ve noticed a lot of uptight people on my adventures in nature. Rightly so, with everything going on in the world these days. Sometimes our river gets log-jammed with all kinds of obstacles and circumstances we don’t like. This can ruin our flow state.

For example, the other night I was biking on a city path, checking out the beauty of the water and the Fall leaves. The water is closer to the walking path, so that’s where I went. Whenever someone approached on foot, I veered onto the grass. “The bike path is over there! What the [bleep!] are you doing???” a disgruntled woman said. Okay, so I bent the rules a teenie bit, but I wasn’t hurting anyone, was I?

I chose to respond rather than to react to the angry, swearing woman. There I was in the moment, enjoying nature, and perhaps getting a cool photo of the colourful leaves, while she was out there being angry. I felt sad for her that she couldn’t find that same inner peace, joy, and flow state that I felt.

This afternoon while out for a walk, it happened again! Someone didn’t want to stop for me in the cross-walk! Turned out the driver was someone I know! She didn’t recognize me in her frustrated, angry mood. I smiled and waved to no avail! This person is the kindest, gentlest, happiest soul I know, but obviously she was having a very bad day. It’s allowed in these crazy times, and I offered my silent forgiveness.

In both cases, I chose loving kindness. I did this by sending them silent blessingsBlessings that they may find inner peace, and relax from whatever was making them so uptight in that moment, or on that day, or in this life. Did they lose a job, a loved one, or frustrated from home-schooling their children? Did they need someone to take it out on? If we put ourselves in another’s shoes, we can empathize with what they might be going through.

I also made a wish that they be mindful of their emotions like anger, anxiety, or pent-up frustration. Simply being aware of what we are feeling can dissolve those emotions quickly. May they notice more of the beauty of nature, and be in flow with what brings them joy instead of focusing on the negative.

We can help others to find their own flow state and to conquer those tough log-jams in the river simply by offering each person we cross paths with a gift. This can be as simple as empathy, a silent wish, prayer, or blessing. Our vibrations will be felt, and will help raise theirs too. These are difficult times for all of us, so I offer my silent prayers that we make it through this with kindness, ease, and flow!

For more information on being more mindful in nature, check this one out: The Mindfulness Bridges We Cross.

Lee Spirit is an avid outdoors adventurer with a love for nature, photography, health & fitness, wellness, and spirituality. Her own personal journey has led her to the  study and practice of mindfulness, health, wellness, yoga, spirituality, sound healing, meditation, and personal development for over 20 years. Learn more about Mindfulness here!