Manifestation Methods For Attracting What You Want

A photo of Spray River in Banff, Alberta Canada with snow, ice, and sun reflecting off the flowing water. We can manifest what we want when we move with ease and flow like the river with these manifesation methods.
Spray River, Banff, Alberta, Canada
Copyright © 2022 Lee Spirit

What a month it has been, recovering from something gone a little haywire! I mean, the world has gone haywire, so by comparison, all is well, and I am grateful! Even the more trying times can be great teachers because we suddenly start questioning, “Why is this happening to me?” If we go deeper with that, we discover that the “haywire” is caused by our own vibrations. In order to manifest more of what we want, we have to vibrate at a higher frequency. I’ll tell you more about that in a minute. But if you’re not attracting the things you really desire, then it’s time to look at your vibes. These manifestation methods will help…

Each week, I choose a photo from my adventures in nature that I feel represents what I’m writing about, and this photo of the Spray River in Banff is a great image of “ease and flow”. That’s how we want our lives to go, rather than trying to get somewhere, and running into constant road blocks. Sometimes that’s nature’s way of telling us something is out of alignment in our thought patterns, habits, tendencies, or energetic vibrations. Nature flows with grace, and we want do much the same. Remember, we are made up of water, and we can also flow with ease and grace!

Why “Ease and Flow” Is Difficult

I know that “ease and flow” hasn’t been happening for me this month. How I know that is because I keep running into snags and frustrations, one after the other. At a sound healing I went to recently, the Medicine Man told me that I want to spring forth, but something keeps holding me back. I know what these snags are about. They’re happening because I’m focusing more on my fears than I am on my true desires. This is even more evident when I look at many of my recent dreams. All fear-based! When you focus mostly on what you don’t want, you attract more of what you don’t want.

Manifestation Methods That Will Help Raise the Vibe

When it comes to our “vibes”, meaning our energetic vibrations, we all have a certain frequency that we vibrate at, and others can feel our energy. If we put out negative vibes, we get negative vibes back. They may appear in the form of snags and frustrations, like I’ve been experiencing this month. If we put out positive vibes of love, kindness, warmth, and joy, we raise our vibration, and receive more of what we want.

It’s important to note that we often think we are putting out good vibes, such as smiling at someone when deep down, we feel depressed. Vibrations are what we feel deep down. So even if you put a happy face on, you’ll still be emitting vibes of depression, if that’s what you really feel. In my case, my fears are surfacing from my subconscious. By focusing more on them than on ease, I’m creating more frustrations! Time to change my focus!

Manifesting What You Desire Through Meditation

During the pandemic, I’ve spent quite a bit of time alone, doing online yoga classes and meditations. This has been very beneficial to me and my mental health and wellbeing. Meditation can be done in a variety of ways.

Being out in the mountains in nature is a beautiful way to meditate. You could do a walking or seated meditation, and take in the beautiful scenery and high vibe that nature provides.

It can also be done at home, silently, or with Meditation Music, crystal bowls, Tibetan bowls, binaural beats, drums, and so on.

If you’re like me, you’re ready now to return to community and be around friends, family, and people. It’s safe to take yoga and meditation classes in person. Maybe you fancy a dance, or cooking class to express your creativity that way. These can also be meditative experiences!

Meditation is something that clears the mind-body-spirit. With regular, consistent practice, you develop the ability to easily move into a neutral mind-space that calms the nervous system when things get crazy. While I experienced a good week of stress this month, my adventures in nature, and my yoga and meditation practices have enabled me to recover quite quickly from a setback.

Click Here To Try my Free guided Meditation On Stopping To Relieve Stress, and be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel to get notified of each new weekly meditation that comes out! These meditations won’t take up too much of your time, and they’re a great place to get started with a consistent practice while enjoying the gorgeous scenery out on my adventures in nature!

Manifestation Methods: Ask and it is Given

Once we’ve come into a beautiful, calming meditative state, it’s time to really get clear on what it is we’re trying to attract more of in our lives. One way to do this is by simply deciding what you want. If you’re unclear on this, your energetic vibration will not bring you what you want because there’s a lack of clarity. For instance, do you want that relationship, or do you not want that relationship? Sometimes this is fuzzier than you think! Once you’re really clear that yes, you do want this relationship, then ask the Universe for it with clarity and conviction! After that, all you need to do is remain an open vessel for receiving it!

Learn More About How To Raise Your Vibration and Attract What You Want

Manifestation Methods: Let Go of Your Fears

What Are Your Fears?

Going back to what the Medicine Man told me at the sound healing that I want to move forward, but something is holding me back…That something is fear. Fear of success, fear of failure, fear of disapproval, fear of rejection, fear of this and that, and everything in between! These are all excuses, and self-limiting beliefs. They are blocking me from the freedom and liberation that my soul seeks. We all have these fears, self-doubts, and anxieties. How do we let that all go so we can manifest what we really want?

It helps to document your dreams that reveal your fears. I’ve been doing that a lot lately. Really taking a look at what’s in my subconscious, and noticing the fear. Accept it as it is, but work on releasing it. It’s helpful to do a little ceremony for letting go and releasing, such as writing things down, and then burning them in a safe place. As you watch your fears burn, it’s a way to release what no longer serves you.

A New, Healthy Space For Creativity and Good Vibes

Once you’ve let go, you have new space to create something you truly desire by vibrating at a higher frequency. Fall in love with yourself and your life, and you will attract more love to you. Feel that you already have all the money you need, and you will attract more abundance rather than debt. Know what it feels like to already have that which you desire. Hold that vibrational energy in your heart and soul, and it will come! In order to get something different in your life, you have to be willing to do something different.

Taking Action

Remember that this does take a little effort on your part. You don’t just sit back and wait for something new to arrive. You have to do a little work at maintaining your positive vibes, holding your vision, and taking the necessary action steps to get there. I never thought I’d be able to pay off a mortgage or a vehicle, but with some good planning and forethought, discipline, vision, and action steps, I was able to achieve this in an even faster time than anticipated.

Manifestation Methods: A Heart Full of Gratitude

Being grateful for what we already have is a key component for attracting more of what we really want. If we always feel like we’re lacking something, we will attract more lack to us. With a grateful heart, we are joyful, and the more joy we feel, the higher our energetic vibration will be for attracting good things to us.

Manifest Through Being In Love With Yourself and Life

One last thought on manifesting what your heart truly desires, and that is to love yourself more, and love your life more. Find the simple joys in life and what you already have. Be grateful for everything that comes to you, good or bad, and allow the bad experiences to teach you valuable lessons.

If you don’t love yourself, try some self-care methods like pampering yourself, doing what you love most, and surrounding yourself with supportive people who get you! Treat yourself to something you love. Fall in love with your life as it is. When you emit a joyful radiance, you will only attract more of it to you!

I hope you’ve found this article on manifestation methods beneficial, and I wish you all the best on your journey to positive manifestation!

Lee Spirit is an avid outdoors adventurer with a love for nature, photography, health & fitness, wellness, and spirituality. She helps those who suffer from anxiety & negative thinking to become healthier in mind-body-spirit. Her own personal journey has led her to the  study and practice of mindfulness, health, wellness, yoga, spirituality, sound healing, meditation, and personal development for over 20 years. Get mindfulness, meditation, and personal development tips in her Free Natural Mind Healing Report.

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