Copyright © 2020 Lee Spirit
One of my favourite teachers recently reminded me of the importance of developing our capacity for kindness, compassion, and light. When we grow this within ourselves, and radiate it outwards to others, we develop more enlightenment. What is this so called “enlightened” state?
“Enlightenment” can mean many things, so it’s a little hard to define. It is not something you do, like climbing the mountain in the photo above. It’s more a state of being present on that mountain, or in the backyard garden. It is a state of happiness, patience, kindness, compassion, peacefulness, and open-heartedness. The focus is not so much on the self, but on emitting these qualities for the benefit of others.
We all have this within us. But circumstances or environment, for example, may diminish the state of higher consciousness that we are born with. That’s why you may seek to reach a state of enlightenment. But you only have to remember that it’s already in you, waiting to re-emerge.
Enlightenment is not something you work towards and achieve at a later date. Rather, when you realize this is your true state of being, you can work at developing it and bringing it forth again.
Read more about Finding Your Inner Light In Darker Times.
Enlightenment and Reading Spirituality
My path to enlightenment started in my 20’s when a title popped out at me at the bookstore. It kept drawing my attention until I finally picked it up. It was Neale Donald Walsch’s book, Conversations With God. Little did I know that it would change my outlook on life, and start my spiritual journey. I resonated so much with its message. Thereafter, I turned to spirituality as a way of life, and my bookshelves are filled with good reads that lift my spirit.
Reading is one way to develop your higher consciousness. You have a whole new vibration after reading an uplifting passage. Spiritual books are learning tools that put you in a good mindset. They release negativity, and calm the spirit. They also inspire you to share this knowledge with others.
When I refer to the word, “spirituality”, I mean it in the “wellness” sense. Whatever reading uplifts your spirit is a tool you can use to develop your consciousness.
The Enlightened Sponge
I got the “spiritual sponge” term from one of my favourite authors, Dr. Barbara De Angelis. She points out the difference between a spiritual seeker and a spiritual being: A spiritual seeker absorbs knowledge of spirituality through reading and learning as much as possible. There are great benefits to this kind of learning, but we must go beyond reading in order to be the enlightenment that we are. We must also “be” the light, love, kindness, and compassion that we seek!
Enlightenment Through Yoga
After reading for years, I finally took up yoga as a means to inner peace. At first it was a workout for me, in addition to my other physical activities. Then it eventually calmed my busy mind, and settled my anxious energy, which came out as in-class giggles!
Here in the West, yoga is very much a physical practice. I was missing the spiritual component. Luckily I came across a teacher who added some mindfulness to the physical asanas, and my spirit soared! I had never felt so alive and enlightened!
This led me to try a spiritual retreat where I was introduced to kundalini yoga – a much more spiritual practice using breath work, movement, and mantra. Shortly after, I met an incredible teacher whose classes I still take online today. The classes uplift me and light me up. I’ve found purpose, inner truth, and a way to serve others. That’s why I’m here now, spreading mindfulness to the world through nature and photos! Finding a good teacher makes a world of difference!
Enlightenment Through Meditation
Through kundalini yoga, I also discovered the benefits of meditation. Lately I’ve been participating in a 28-day meditation challenge. There are many types of meditation, but I prefer silent meditation, or sound healing. Here, I notice my own thoughts and state of mind. I calm them through breath awareness, and sound frequencies. This is a fantastic way to cultivate calm, peace, and present moment awareness. Having this awareness allows you to be more compassionate towards yourself and others.
By learning about spirituality and wellness, you start to remember your inner knowing and enlightenment. By practising breath work, body scan, and mind state, you can bring it about even more quickly. Do whatever activity you choose to increase your vibrational frequency, and you are well on your way to enlightenment and peace.
Lee Spirit is an avid outdoors adventurer with a love for nature, photography, health & fitness, wellness, and spirituality. Her own personal journey has led her to the study and practice of mindfulness, health, wellness, yoga, spirituality, sound healing, meditation, and personal development for over 20 years. Get instant access to a Mindful 2021 here!